Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Econobum Review

Let me begin by first reminding everyone that I only have two children at the moment an almost 5 year old and a 2 year old. I am choosing to use my cloth diapers with my third, whenever that may happen. However, I am having a lot of fun using my new one size cloth diapers on my two year old daughter. Being that she talks pretty well she is helping me with the reviews.

Econobum, this diaper grabbed my attention first with the price and then with the idea of reusing the shell. It comes with a prefold that you place in the outer shell and then snap on. While this is very economical and will work. The prefold tends to move so I will not use it at night, and it's pretty bulky. My daughter says, "Not pretty" and "Not soft". I like that it is one size and can grow with the child.

Above is the prefold and the outer shell.

Above is how the prefold in to be laid inside of the shell.

Above is my 2 yr 4 month old daughter modeling the diapers. She is 28 lbs and very well in the average for her size. Just to give you an idea of how long you could use these one size diapers. We are keeping his one, but not ordering anymore.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So sweet!

I am so surprised that Melissa over atThe Mommy Files gave me the versatile blogger award. Yet, extremely pleased, I love reading her blog and encourage others to as well. Receiving this award carries 4 parts.

1) Thank the person who awarded you.
2) Write 7 thing about yourself
3) Pick 7 bloggers to bestow the award upon.
4) Contact and congratulate the bloggers you picked.

7 Things about myself

I had declared the day I met my husband that he was the man I was going to marry. That was almost 10 years ago, we have now been married over 7 years.

I truly love being a mom, I would honestly have as many kids as my husband would let me. I do hope to adopt in the far future.

I would rather read than eat. I have never read a book I didn't like. I would rather shop at a bookstore then go clothes shopping any day.

After reading Ann Frank when I was 11 I began keeping a diary/Journal and have kept one ever since I am now on my 13th one.

I LOVE going to tea, and I do go to a tea house every year. I also make many of the "tea foods" here at home.

I am the oldest of 12 cousins, the youngest being 25 years and 10 months younger than myself. So I get to watch them grow up as my children's cousins.

I was home schooled after attending public school k-4th and then again my sophomore year.

I couldn't pick 7 bloggers, because I don't follow seven blogs. So I picked:

No Greater Joy Mom
25 Kids and Counting
My Journey to Going Green

Cloth Diapers

Okay, so for a very long time I wasn't able to post anything. That seems to be fixed, however all my cloth diapers i ordered about two weeks ago, got shipped to the wrong address. As soon as I get them I will write a review of each one.