Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So sweet!

I am so surprised that Melissa over atThe Mommy Files gave me the versatile blogger award. Yet, extremely pleased, I love reading her blog and encourage others to as well. Receiving this award carries 4 parts.

1) Thank the person who awarded you.
2) Write 7 thing about yourself
3) Pick 7 bloggers to bestow the award upon.
4) Contact and congratulate the bloggers you picked.

7 Things about myself

I had declared the day I met my husband that he was the man I was going to marry. That was almost 10 years ago, we have now been married over 7 years.

I truly love being a mom, I would honestly have as many kids as my husband would let me. I do hope to adopt in the far future.

I would rather read than eat. I have never read a book I didn't like. I would rather shop at a bookstore then go clothes shopping any day.

After reading Ann Frank when I was 11 I began keeping a diary/Journal and have kept one ever since I am now on my 13th one.

I LOVE going to tea, and I do go to a tea house every year. I also make many of the "tea foods" here at home.

I am the oldest of 12 cousins, the youngest being 25 years and 10 months younger than myself. So I get to watch them grow up as my children's cousins.

I was home schooled after attending public school k-4th and then again my sophomore year.

I couldn't pick 7 bloggers, because I don't follow seven blogs. So I picked:

No Greater Joy Mom
25 Kids and Counting
My Journey to Going Green

1 comment:

  1. I have loved, through this blog, watching you be a versatile blogger, and a versatile mama, too. It's so fun to learn a little more about you!
