Thursday, November 15, 2012


  If the title confused you that was an awwww! With a light bulb lighting up above my head. It was to illustrate my "awww" moment when suddenly things clicked together.

  I have been reading The Simple Year Blog, a telling of a year where a typical American family doesn't buy anything new except consumables. Where instead of running of to the store for an impulse buy because they NEED it. They trade, garage sale, thrift shop in short buy used.

I have been inspired.

I have been enlightened.

I have been energized.

 The ideas sprouting in my brain won't stop. I'm eager, I want to do this. To try an adult size social experiment. Can a typical average family live a simple year? How would others handle this? What would my kids think? Would we save money?

 The benefits seem enormous. How green we would be living. Teaching our kids to be content, to resist the compelling need for instant gratification this society thrusts upon us.

 For now I am considering.


Consulting the Husband.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea, and keep coming up with excuses to justify not doing it. I need educational materials, specific baby items, insert other thing I could buy used if I really tried here, etc. Except not really.

    I would love to follow along if you decided to give a simple year of your own a go!
