Friday, April 12, 2013


 My family is my number one, for that reason I don't always have time to blog. Alex has been having a hard time teething. Which has meant restless nights and needy days.

  I have been introduced to a new concept, by new I mean new to me. Time-ins vs. Time outs. I must say it makes sense to me. I feel almost cheated that, my education, mainstream media my parents shows and magazine have failed to recognize this.

  Bryan Post clearly dines the difference between the two here.  Its hard grasping an idea that at first is so completely opposite everything you know. I have read so much tonight. I think and realize we already do something similar, besides the wording.  Whenever, I notice my kids feeling tired, overwhelmed, scared,  or stressed out I instinctively brought them closer, talking calmly, soothing them with gentle touches i.e. back rubs, cuddles, running my fingers through their hair and so forth. This is where we learned after Jasey would calm down if she was tired, she would identify that and then ask for a nap. Which she will do to this day, when she feels she needs one.

 However, we have never done this for disobedience, I feel weird using that word. We have never done this for exhibits of anger, frustration, or jealousy. Now, we will try.

  I read that we should have a consistent place in the home which is near everyone, that we can bring the child in and comfort. For us, we are choosing the couch in the living room. I am choosing this so I can still see the playroom and observe the other children. Also, do to our house lay out this happens to be the center, convenient. I am looking into making some cuddly pillows.

 I should address that this is a part of  parenting gently, or gentle parenting. I am very new to this, but I like to think we are not completely barbaric. We do not spank, or do physical punishments such as running laps or shaming. We do use time outs. In fact, I often send the temper tantruming child to their room to calm down, only to return when  they are able to control themselves.

 My eyes have been opened. Wish us luck!

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