Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Candy, Candy ,Candy!!!

 Halloween for our clan is a serious family event. My husband is very involved helping make costumes and create faces. I LOVE watching my kids explore their imaginations, deciding what goes with what, how we can make props, best ways to apply make- up and so forth.

 We have always done Trick or Treating with cousins, planning our route ahead of time and almost competing to see who can get the most candy. I know my kids are making memories...

 Neither my husband or I grew up celebrating Halloween, due to our parents religious beliefs. While, I am aware of the darker side, my kids only think of it has a costume party with free candy that the whole city participates in!

 We go over safety as it and the holiday seem to coincide, we go over stranger danger, when to say no, who to go to for help, never go inside a stranger's house, how to cross a street etc...

 Please ignore the messy house, some times I'm a lousy housekeeper, because I am busy being an awesome mom!

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