Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Feeling like a Scrooge!!!

  I love Christmas, I hate the commercialism that goes along with it. I have certain dear people in my life that I begin to avoid, right about Thanksgiving. You know the people I'm talking about, the ones who assign a monetary value to everything they are buying complaining the whole time. The ones who gasp when you mention quality over quantity, or down sizing. The ones who almost stop breathing when I refuse to by my kids certain electronic items, (seriously, my 4 year old needs her own laptop?)

 I recognize that for many families Christmas is very much about the gifts, however, my family is not one of those. Now, as I sit back and look at all the random gifts my kids have received, I'm saddened, most of it will go un-played with. I feel bad that people wasted their money, when honestly the simplest and often the cheaper items would have brought the most pleasure.


1 comment:

  1. You are totally not a scrooge! I respect other families and their traditions, and totally see the fun in the mountains of gifts, so for those who are into that: awesome. You can totally enjoy and exude the holiday spirit without a ton of presents, too, though. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! xoxo
