Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I feel compelled to share all the changes in our family and with our kids. Just when you think you have this parenting thing down, they throw something at you.

C.J. will be five in one month and now that we are in summer loves to announce he is a kindergartner, despite the fact that he hasn't actually started. Suddenly he wants more freedom. He no longer wants me to stand next to him as he does the monkey bars or climbs around on the play ground, he wants to use the men's room instead of the women's with sissy and I. Suddenly, he's asking for things for dinner, refusing help to everything! It's a challenge but I think I am learning to allow more freedom.

Jasey is a two year old. She loves to empty the fridge and is suddenly putting everything back into her mouth. She loves to get into the soap and wash her hands. Today she tried to go pee standing up like her brother. One of the many things she insists on trying to copy.

I'm sure things will change again soon.

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