Sunday, March 25, 2012

Catch up!

I have spent the past almost year re-evaluating my life. I have concluded that as much as I love the internet it was consuming all to much of my daily life, so I cut it out.

We were surprised with another sweet angel Alexander Lucas born 1/6/2012, so precious. We are officially out numbered kids to adults, and honestly it took a good month to slip into a routine.

I continue to try and live green. Buy 2nd hand, donate un-used items, recycle, buy energy saving appliances and bulbs, etc...

I am ever consumed with my children and everything that entails. This year with C.J. being in school and getting older, we were confronted with having to explain adult situations that our child was otherwise naive too. We also have begun to censor things coming into their lives. Surprising all the negative influences one can encounter.

Education in it self has been a main topic of discussion, evaluation and research in our house. What is the best for OUR family,and how can we obtain it? Is whats considered mainstream normal developmentally appropriate?

Many of my opinions on parenting and life have changed. I will try to address all of the above in more detailed posts in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Eeee - you're back! I'm so glad! I'm looking forward to more catching up, and hearing more about Alex!
