Friday, March 30, 2012


Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I'm rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

If only they were true. Too many times I think words are spoken without the understanding of their true weight and impact. Words are powerful, more so then many know. With simple words you can either build up or destroy someone, anyone,even your children.

Today at the zoo, I was appalled at how many caregivers/parents were exasperated at their children for merely acting like children. Are we as a society so depraved that we must degrade, insult, and humiliate small children? I doubt these kids forget the harsh words or embarrassment. I think they will think its the norm, and then grow up and repeat the cycle going just a little bit further, because they were desensitized to so much already.

We wonder why there's so much violence, hatred, lack of empathy, but can we not stop to see it's the well meaning parents who are continuing the cycle?

I'd like to think many parents just are not sure how to control the situation, rather then just don't care.Here is a link to a really helpful article on behavior and how to react.Here is a revealing article on words and their effect on the childhood brain.

Interesting, I am choosing to simply do what I think is common sense and NEVER say degrading humiliating things to my children. A simple change can change the development of our future adults.

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