Monday, July 30, 2012

School Supplies

  Around this time every year, the stores start displaying back to school sales and the schools hand out the supplies list. This year I noticed a BIG difference.There was so many things I DIDN'T have to buy such as; backpack ($12+), lunch box ($8+), hand sanitizer ($3+), sanitizing wipes ($3+) gym shoes ($10+), Kleenex ($1+), ziplock bags ($3+), snack bag ($3+)

  Awesome thing is that all the items I did buy were for my child, not for the classroom to use as a community. I have had a couple people tell me that homeschooling must be more expensive because buying the curriculum. I am going to track what I am saving against what I spent, then we shall see. I am not listing the other supplies as a savings because some things I have to buy either way. At this point curriculum and supplies I am sitting at roughly (rounding up) $300.

 Here are other random expenses I would occur in the first month, some are opptional, but it's realistically what I did.
- $10 on lunch card, in case we forgot a drink or lunch.
- $17 on spirit wear shirt, so my child could participate in spirit day.
- $15 for the month of August in specially packaged lunch foods ( fruit, yogurt, string cheese, meat sticks, crackers, juice boxes) Yes I could send Tupperware, however my young child threw some away and it was cheaper to buy it this way in stead of buying new Tupperware every month. Yes, I said Tupperware as in plastic, my Pyrex containers made his lunch box extremely heavy. Also, children were required to bring a separate snack.

 So taking my overall cost $300 and minus what I did not have to buy, $85. Leaves me at $215, I have spent.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shop for a cause

I want to encourage everyone to check this link on shopping for a cause. I have known about Special Kids Special Families for two years now. They are a group of amazing people doing amazing things for those with disabilities. If your going to do school shopping anyways check this out.

For more information on Special Kids Special Families visit their site here.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.  ~Anne Frank

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jasey's Tongue

 Um, a tongue. I bet all those that are reading this are suddenly very aware of their own tongue. LOL!! When Jase turned 2 1/2 we noticed her speech wasn't very clear, having gone through this with her older brother we knew what to look for. We called our therapist and had her evaluated. We were surprised to find out she was severely tongue tied. To the point that she could not make front sounds ie T,D and S. It also had been effecting her eating, She hated eating bread or sandwiches because it would get stuck behind her front teeth and she couldn't fix it. The therapist had me place frosting on her upper lip to have Jase lick it off. She couldn't do it. Yes, I'm sure you are now trying this with your own tongue.

  By not having the mobility she could not say certain sounds or blends, thus she was compensating and saying things incorrectly. Try keeping the tip of your tongue on the bottom of your mouth while you make the T sound. Now say a word such as TALK. More often then not the T sound will be replaced with a CH blend sound. When saying the same word TALK, it now is being pronounced as CHALK, a completely different word and meaning. This gives Jase so much frustration when people can't understand her.  Fast forward, but mispronouncing affects learning to read and write. How do you sound out a word when you can't make the sounds. How do you try to spell when REALLY sounds like it starts with a W.

  We consulted her pediatric dentist and felt that a clipping of the membrane under her tongue would benefit her greatly. That is called a frenectomy. There has been a lot of debate if this even helps or if being tongue tied even cause speech problems. However, after a lot of research we felt it did cause a problem in Jase's case and a frenectomy would help.

  We had the procedure done in the dental office, with conscious sedation, and use of a laser. She did wonderful. Complained of pain only twice, later that same day and the following day when she decided to eat chips. We are continuing to work of stretching her tongue with exercises. This helps strengthen her tongue and prevent it from re healing together. 5 days out and she is great, talking up a storm and not complaining at all. We will continue the speech therapy and tongue exercises.  I'll post an update further out and note the progress she has made.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Homeschool beginnings

 We are very close to beginning our first year of homeschooling. The books are ready, my lesson plans are done, we have filled out the "Notice of Intent", and families have been told.
  While,  I love the flexibility that homeschooling provides, I acknowledge that children do thrive with structure, knowing what comes next. We have decided to start the school year a week earlier then the school district here. In September, my husband is taking some vacation and we are planning on taking a couple days off to have fun. This feels right, spending his time off together. We have also decided that school will begin at 7:30am, no later then 8:00am. Continuing to wake up early will help with sleeping and allow us plenty of time to accomplish what we need to and still have time to have an outing. I plan on schooling roughly 4 hours each day, some days longer some shorter.
  I am very pleased with the curriculum we have chosen. If goes as follows;
  Math- Saxon, I chose this because of amazing reviews and my own personal experience with it. I love the repetition and easy to understand lessons. I am also excited how hands on it is and uses lots of manipulatives.
  English/Writing- Rod and Staff,  I chose this because I feel children are not taught how to properly write sentences, paragraphs and or use punctuation. This book starts with when to capitalize, use periods and ends with learning how to alphabetize. Again, the lessons are short, easy to understand and very well written. Handwriting, we are doing a penmanship course, mainly, because my son needs it.
  Reading/Phonics-Explode the code and Early Classics, C.J has already completed a hooked on phonics course with me so we are using Explode the Code books with great worksheets to reinforce the rules and exceptions. Early Classics are just that classic literature written at a 1st grade level. I am using this to introduce literature and help him work on reading fluency. Spelling- Christian Liberty Academy, great weekly lessons with additional weekly exercises using the week's words.
  History- World History Series, Science- Science Around the Year and Reading and Understand Science, We are using this particular History series because it teaches themes my son is interested (Greek Mythology and Egyptian Pyramids) at an age appropriate level. I feel he has spent the past two years learning how America was discovered and the first thanksgiving and nothing else. This history series has maps that go along with the lessons that the kids have to identify items on to learn about geography. Our science is really hands on with a TON of experiments. We are also integrating several field trips into our science.
 Music/Art/PE- C.J. will be learning how to read music and beginning piano on my key bored. I have played for several years and feel more then qualified to teach a beginner. I also have slowly been acquiring several other instruments for him to play with and use such as a triangle, tambourine, harmonica, Maracas, cymbals and a couple others. Art, will consist of me providing lots of materials and letting the kids discover different art supplies, color blends, textures etc... We also will be visiting a couple art galleries to learn art appreciation. For P.E. we will be physically active, this one is easy my kids are always go go go. We will be playing at parks, riding bikes, going to open gym, swimming, doing basketball and football. Honestly, he will get more physical activity than the kids in school. The district has a 40 min P.E. 6x a month. I know he will being getting an hour plus a day.

 Jasey, has shown a desire to do school, so I will get her a preschool book and let her practice printing and work on her letter recognition. I anticipate she will sit in on most of our lessons.

 So, this is my grand plan, I will let you know how things go and work out as we begin our journey.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

The family

The Garden

 Our lovely little garden is flourishing. So much, that we have decided to expand next year! We are learning so much together with our kids. I have harvested tons of radishes, we are on a second planting, spinach is growing out of control I have way more then I can use and have begun handing out gallon zip lock bags to friends and family. Over night it seems we have LOTS of pea pods! I find this very exciting and encouraging.
 There is nothing like watching my kids grow and learn. Our little garden is teaching them so much, about planting, caring for the garden, what worms do, mulch and compost, healthy eating, and most of all pride and self- confidence that something they helped plant is now our dinner! Here are a few tips that we have learned;

1) Plant your seeds in definable mounds or rows, makes weeding easier.
2) Write down what is planted where and when you planted.
3) Spend the extra money on good seeds.
4) Tobacco juice, is a natural insect repellent.
5) Plant citronella in a corner and that acts as a natural insect repellant.

  Our garden is doing so well, we are actively planning an expansion for next year. We are tilling the ground and marking it off. Our numerous sugar pea plants are doing so well, I am considering learning how to can. I may spend this summer learning and not actually do it until next year. I need to remember not to over extend myself.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Material things

Life is not what items you acquire, for they can be easily sold. My life is not a check list of per-approved things that show my value as a person. I am not defined by my bank account, or by how others feel I should live. I live to serve only one Master.

 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal."

Or fire burns.

I live this way because, I feel called to do so.

A life not rich in stuff, but a life rich in relationships.