Monday, July 30, 2012

School Supplies

  Around this time every year, the stores start displaying back to school sales and the schools hand out the supplies list. This year I noticed a BIG difference.There was so many things I DIDN'T have to buy such as; backpack ($12+), lunch box ($8+), hand sanitizer ($3+), sanitizing wipes ($3+) gym shoes ($10+), Kleenex ($1+), ziplock bags ($3+), snack bag ($3+)

  Awesome thing is that all the items I did buy were for my child, not for the classroom to use as a community. I have had a couple people tell me that homeschooling must be more expensive because buying the curriculum. I am going to track what I am saving against what I spent, then we shall see. I am not listing the other supplies as a savings because some things I have to buy either way. At this point curriculum and supplies I am sitting at roughly (rounding up) $300.

 Here are other random expenses I would occur in the first month, some are opptional, but it's realistically what I did.
- $10 on lunch card, in case we forgot a drink or lunch.
- $17 on spirit wear shirt, so my child could participate in spirit day.
- $15 for the month of August in specially packaged lunch foods ( fruit, yogurt, string cheese, meat sticks, crackers, juice boxes) Yes I could send Tupperware, however my young child threw some away and it was cheaper to buy it this way in stead of buying new Tupperware every month. Yes, I said Tupperware as in plastic, my Pyrex containers made his lunch box extremely heavy. Also, children were required to bring a separate snack.

 So taking my overall cost $300 and minus what I did not have to buy, $85. Leaves me at $215, I have spent.

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