Wednesday, August 1, 2012


My kids are growing so fast, (sigh) I can't believe it. Next thing they will be starting to drive.

 C.J. is reading so well. He has started the Magic Tree House series and LOVES them. He can now read the TV guide on the television, signs on the road, directions for his legos and so forth. It is amazing to see. He continues to be emotional and passionate. I love that so much about him. He is excited about homeschooling. He is now pouring his own drinks from the gallons, opening his own food, making his own sandwiches. Not because I won't, but because he wants to. I have started letting him run carefully and while being watched across the street to check the mail. He thrives of independence. I even let him order a muffin by himself at the coffee shop with my card as I watched like one table away. He is such a little grown up.

 Jasey... my ever talking daughter. She talks and talks and talks about everything. She is really into rocks right now and stops us everywhere to pick up a "special rock". Once home she proceeds to wash her special rock and add it to her collection. She enjoys playing in mud and asks to make some everyday, she loves to play pretend and spends most of her time pretending to go some where , packing her babies a diaper bag and herself and over night bag. I have had to limit this game after the entire closet was emptied a couple times.

 Alex my cuddly boy. He is a solid chunk of baby lovin. He is sitting up and smiling all the time. He definitely is sensitive to new people and DOES NOT like random people picking him up or talking to him. He squeals and grunts, hums and fusses, but not a lot of baby babble. He loves my two carriers, which makes going places a breeze. We are transitioning to his crib, when he sleeps he randomly shakes his head back and forth smiling, making this hard to sleep with him. So far he loves the crib.

Can't believe all the changes.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I could hang out with your kids in person. They seem like such a joy to be around! I love the Magic Treehouse series. I used to read those to my preschoolers while they drifted off at nap time :) Which carriers are you using?
