Friday, August 24, 2012

Homeschooling and Green Living

 What a concept that homeschooling has also helped us live a greener life. C.J. was in school roughly 165 days a year. Each day had a snack and a lunch. An average of 5 plastic bags a day. Plus all the individually wrapped items.

 I couldn't use glass containers made lunch way too heavy. Plastic containers took up a lot of space and several accidentally got tossed. The reusable snack bags, awesome, however they are pricer and after losing a couple not very budget friendly.

 Making lunch at home we are saving on TONS of packaging by not buying lunch size items. I am saving roughly 5x165= 825 bags a school year. That is an average of 8 boxes of plastic snack bags.

 I have almost completely eliminated all prepackaged lunch items. I can buy larger yogurt containers, blocks of cheese, gallons of juice etc...Also, all left over organic material goes in the composter. (We fixed it!)

  We are not on a bus route, so each day I would have to warm up my car and drive to the school and back twice. As the days got colder, I would allow my car to warm up longer so the kids wouldn't be cold. We no longer have to do that. We save on gas and reduce the amount of exhaust output.


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