Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Alex growing up

 Alex is growing up so quickly. I am sad that it is looking more and more as if he will be our last baby. It makes me hold on to his baby ness a little tighter.

 This babyhood has been SO SO enjoyable. I feel very confident, there has been very little baby stress. Alex is a wonderful baby, he sleeps roughly 9:30-7:00 either sleeping through the night, or waking once to nurse. He is now in his crib in the other room. I was eager to co-sleep, but little darling is an active tosser. When he stirs is comforts himself by grabbing my hair or face, startling me and on a couple times scratching me. I began nursing him and then laying him in his pack and play right next to my bed. He slept wonderfully, but his tossing and turning would shake the bed and awake me. Before, we transitioned to the crib, I would play a lullaby C.D. when he would nap, also laying him down with the blanket we used nursing that day. After a week or so, we transferred the nap set up to the crib and he did GREAT! A week later we began doing nights in the crib. He sleeps better and I sleep better. However if he cries, I gladly bring him to bed to nurse and cuddle.

  Alex is doing things a bit slower than the first two. I know he will do everything in his own time. He plays so happily with his toys, loves his food, loves baths. He does need consistency. I have to make note of what time he wakes, because 2 1/2- 3 hours later he will need a nap. After nap he'll go 3 hours. If I forget he will get overly tired and not sleep well. If he doesn't get his naps, his night time gets messed up and it takes a couple days to fix. He prefers to sit in the shopping cart rather than his car seat. I use a stroller or a carrier, however it's hard to have him in a carrier and lift Jasey at the park. He loves the park, the baby swings, I hold him in my lap and go down the slides.

 He loves to scrunch up his face and snort, it's the cutest thing. No matter what is happening, I can't help but laugh. After listening to us do tongue exercises he now clicks his tongue. He reaches towards people he knows, and stares wide eyed at the ones he doesn't.

 I love watching him grow and change. We can see the little personality develop. Amazing how quickly it goes.

1 comment:

  1. He sounds like so much fun! How funny that he mimics your speech exercises :) I think we're on our last baby, too, and it does make all those baby things a bit more precious.
