Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Garden

 Our lovely little garden is flourishing. So much, that we have decided to expand next year! We are learning so much together with our kids. I have harvested tons of radishes, we are on a second planting, spinach is growing out of control I have way more then I can use and have begun handing out gallon zip lock bags to friends and family. Over night it seems we have LOTS of pea pods! I find this very exciting and encouraging.
 There is nothing like watching my kids grow and learn. Our little garden is teaching them so much, about planting, caring for the garden, what worms do, mulch and compost, healthy eating, and most of all pride and self- confidence that something they helped plant is now our dinner! Here are a few tips that we have learned;

1) Plant your seeds in definable mounds or rows, makes weeding easier.
2) Write down what is planted where and when you planted.
3) Spend the extra money on good seeds.
4) Tobacco juice, is a natural insect repellent.
5) Plant citronella in a corner and that acts as a natural insect repellant.

  Our garden is doing so well, we are actively planning an expansion for next year. We are tilling the ground and marking it off. Our numerous sugar pea plants are doing so well, I am considering learning how to can. I may spend this summer learning and not actually do it until next year. I need to remember not to over extend myself.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! It sounds like you really have a green thumb! After some fun gardening experiments on Guam, I have high hopes for our future, but unfortunately missed the planting season here, so all we have growing for food this year is herbs. I'll be watching for more tips for next year!
