Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ear Drops

  I am some what new to the all natural/ homeopathic way of curing what ails you. I am a skeptic, who does TONS of research and then probably changes my mind 10x before I go ahead with something. One thing I do not skimp on is my children's health. I will not hesitate to do what I feel is best for them.

  Jasey has been on antibiotics about 6-7 times in her life, she just turned four. This is way more then my other two children, and as always been for ear infections. (Until the skull elongates the inner ear is more horizontal and thus more prone to fluid build up, thus ear infections are more common in children.) If she gets a cold it almost always results in an ear infection. She will say her ear hurts and within a couple hours has a very high temp like over 104, is crying, refusing to eat, can't sleep and is just plain miserable. Hating to see my child in pain, whenever she says her ears hurt I make an appointment, so much easier then an E.R. visit or urgent care. We have a wonderful Dr. who hands out antibiotics sparingly and thus has sent us home numerous times, saying "No infection, call me if she gets worse." While I am grateful he doesn't rush to prescribe meds, I'm tired or hauling 3 kids to the Dr.s and paying our co-pay.

  At out last visit I mentioned ear drops and he said yes try them, they may make a huge difference in her ear aches.There is a difference in an earache and an ear infection. So, I researched and bought Similasan Ear Drops. They have changed our life. Now whenever Jasey complains about her ears I administer 2-3 drops in the hurting ear and literally all better. Jasey loves the drops, never complains at all. We notice she complains about her ears after being outside in the wind, swimming, has a cold, or teething, she is working on molars at the moment. I am proud to say Jasey has been antibiotic free for a year. Knock on wood!

I was able to find them at Walgreens, they run about $11 a bottle, but if that saves me one $20 copay, it's worth the money.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Is it too weird that I always put breast milk in a dropper bottle when one of my kids gets an eye or ear infection, and administer that in drops? Its antibiotic powers have never failed me, but I'm always interested to know about other natural alternatives to prescription meds for the future, when my current, erm, medicine is no longer available. ;)
