Saturday, January 29, 2011


Once again here I am unsure of my next step. With Kindergarten round up right around the corner. I'm wondering if my son is ready. I "know" I can to an evaluation, but it's really difficult to be objective when it's your own child. I understand they can complete a readiness evaluation at the schools to see if he is ready for kindergarten, but I hate their system. Why you ask? Because judged against EVERY kid in Colorado I know my son would look good. I already go back and forth with them about his speech, they say he's fine he doesn't score low enough to receive help. He would have to score below a 7th percent before he qualifies. I don't see the sense in waiting until he falls that far behind to help him. Similar with the school. I'm feeling he would have to score so low to be considered not ready. Yet, what they consider ready in my mind would not be so. So here I am on another journey to try and find a place or a person who can do an academic and developmental evaluation, that's not associated with the schools.

Why is it every time you questions how things are done, or seek further information, you feel as if you get written of as "one of those moms". I really don't want to be difficult, I just want the best for my child.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


While I'd love to post a picture, one of my lovely dogs has chewed my usb cord so no uploading pics today.

I love reading my friends blog's, they have so many fabulous ideas and it not only encourages, but inspires me to try new and different things. After reading several posts about my friend who is minimizing her life, letting go of all the unused and unneeded items. I started looking around and suddenly I was amazed at all the stuff I keep because one day I might need that or use that.

This past weekend I have gone through closets and boxes, and drawers, I got rid of like 10 garbage bags full of stuff and I feel great. It really is nice when everything has a place, when your life isn't cluttered. I felt slightly ill at the amount of stuff that I had that I didn't use, knowing there are many people out there who need it and don't have it. So I donated it to a church! I'm not done, yet.

Next step is to let go of all the things from my past keeping only a few that have strong meaning. Then going through the millions of photos I have updating all the albums and baby books then throwing away the rest.

If you know me this is a big deal, because I'm a bit of a pack rat. I come by it genetically.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The tooth

It's official my son is growing up weather I like it or not!

He has his first loose tooth. I for sure thought there was something wrong, after all he's just a baby and can't possibly be old enough to lose teeth. I called his dentist and he assured me, he is a little young, but at that age non the less.

Now he walks around the house wiggling his tooth and talking about all the money the tooth fairy is gonna bring.

We did however, have to have a talk about not letting our friends wiggle our tooth.

(sigh) I'm not ready for this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

An excerpt from my life...

I will never understand the complete awesomeness of my master bathroom. My kids however, think the coolest thing is to pee in my bathroom. They look at it as a room of hidden treasures. Honestly it's where I store extra toilet paper, soap and such.

Typically they are not allowed in my room without me. However, on more then one occasion they have gone in there and to the bathroom.

It never fails, they lock themselves in the bathroom. Thanks goodness I can pick the lock.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Mu husband brings me home flowers and champagne, just because he loves me! My son watches me smile and thank daddy with a kiss. C.J. tells us "I'm gonna do that when I get older." Once I again I realize what an impact how Chris and I treat each other has on our children, and if my husband bringing me gifts teaches my son to be a little romantic, then bring on the gifts.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dryer Lint!

If your like me, you throw it away. You have that one little trash can next to your dryer, that collects that fluffy blue gray matter.Trying to be more earth friendly, I am searching for ways to reuse things instead of throwing them away.

My husband used to be a fire fighter, and he reminded me how flammable it is. SO, the next time I tried to start a fire, instead of using a ton of newspaper. I used one sheet of newspaper and then stuffed drier lint between the logs.

WOW!!! It worked, it burns hot and lit my logs easily.

Because it is so flammable, do not store next to your fire place or wood burning stove.

A taste of Thai

I am constantly, looking for new dinner ideas, that both please my family and are budget friendly. This weekend we found a hit. In my new Season's Best pampered chef cookbook, I found Thai Peanut Chicken Stir-Fry Salad. It was so good.

1 bag of romaine.
1 1/4 lbs boneless, skinless chicken.
1/2 tsp. salt.
1/2 tsp pepper.
1 tbsp. veg. oil.
1/4 cup peanuts.
1 can corn.
1 medium red bell pepper.
1 medium red onion.
4 garlic cloves.
1/3 cup Thai peanut sauce.

First cut the chicken into 1 inch squares, add salt and pepper and mix. Put veg oil in a pan and heat, meanwhile slice up bell pepper and cut onion into 1 in wedges, chop peanuts and set aside. When oil is hot add chicken cook undisturbed for 5 minutes and then turn over and cook for another 4-5 minutes. When chicken is no longer pink in the middle add corn, bell pepper, onion, mince garlic and add. Stir and let cook till veggies get tender-crisp. When done remove from heat add peanut sauce and stir. Serve over cold romaine lettuce. Top with chopped peanuts.

Everyone loved it. It serves 6 and costs only about $2 a serving.

1st family night of the New Year!

We have honestly been really enjoying, our family movie nights. Even the kids are excited. This past weekend, we got McDonalds, the kids favorite. We also got the movie "Despicable Me".

It was a really cute movie and provided several talking points, with C.J. In the movie it shows three girls living in a home for girls. I know this is a new concept for my son, realizing that not every kid has a mommy and a daddy. We talked about what we can do to help them. C.J. said we can be their friend, play x-box with them, and buy them happy meals. Another really awesome point in the movie, is that the lead Mr. Gru had a change of heart. Showing that even mean people can learn to be nice, love others and be loved. We asked C.J. what changed his heart and he knew. He very quickly answered, "The girls". We then talked about things we can do to mean people we know.

I know it seems like nothing, but we laid the foundation for how to handle mean people, that everyone can change, and how to help kids who don't have families. These are points that will be addressed and grown upon in the next several years, or maybe a lifetime.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I laid out my squares

I sewed them together and added the backing.

Heres what it looked like when I was all done!

This was my first attempt and I learned a lot. I'm sure the next one will be even better.

Making Ice cream

C.J. got an ice cream maker for Christmas and we have been having a great time making and enjoying our ice cream.