Tuesday, January 25, 2011


While I'd love to post a picture, one of my lovely dogs has chewed my usb cord so no uploading pics today.

I love reading my friends blog's, they have so many fabulous ideas and it not only encourages, but inspires me to try new and different things. After reading several posts about my friend who is minimizing her life, letting go of all the unused and unneeded items. I started looking around and suddenly I was amazed at all the stuff I keep because one day I might need that or use that.

This past weekend I have gone through closets and boxes, and drawers, I got rid of like 10 garbage bags full of stuff and I feel great. It really is nice when everything has a place, when your life isn't cluttered. I felt slightly ill at the amount of stuff that I had that I didn't use, knowing there are many people out there who need it and don't have it. So I donated it to a church! I'm not done, yet.

Next step is to let go of all the things from my past keeping only a few that have strong meaning. Then going through the millions of photos I have updating all the albums and baby books then throwing away the rest.

If you know me this is a big deal, because I'm a bit of a pack rat. I come by it genetically.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! So glad I am not alone on my journey :) It really warms my heart.
