Monday, January 10, 2011

1st family night of the New Year!

We have honestly been really enjoying, our family movie nights. Even the kids are excited. This past weekend, we got McDonalds, the kids favorite. We also got the movie "Despicable Me".

It was a really cute movie and provided several talking points, with C.J. In the movie it shows three girls living in a home for girls. I know this is a new concept for my son, realizing that not every kid has a mommy and a daddy. We talked about what we can do to help them. C.J. said we can be their friend, play x-box with them, and buy them happy meals. Another really awesome point in the movie, is that the lead Mr. Gru had a change of heart. Showing that even mean people can learn to be nice, love others and be loved. We asked C.J. what changed his heart and he knew. He very quickly answered, "The girls". We then talked about things we can do to mean people we know.

I know it seems like nothing, but we laid the foundation for how to handle mean people, that everyone can change, and how to help kids who don't have families. These are points that will be addressed and grown upon in the next several years, or maybe a lifetime.

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