Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cloth Diapers vs. Disposables

It wasn't until really the past fifty years there was even a choice, between cloth or disposable diapers. Disposable diapers became readily available in the 40's, yet were still a luxury many could not afford. In 1942, unbleached creped cellulose tissue was first used. In 1946, Marion Donovan invented "the boater" a waterproof covering for cloth diapers. The 60's and 70's saw major development in disposable diapers. Diaper History shows in the 1990's cloth reemerged from the awareness of the environmental issues concerning disposable diapers. History shows every culture using some form or another of a diaper. Technology and more resources have just improved on what mothers have always known, you need to keep that end covered!

I am not some poor farm wife, nor a wife of a millionaire. I am just a normal run of the mill housewife. I have used disposable diapers on my first two and am choosing to use cloth on my not yet third. In making this transition I have in countered many cultural and social obstacles. My goal is to do a series of blogs depicting my journey from plastic to cloth in hopes of educating others out there. In no means to I wish to hurt any feelings or condemn others' choices, I simply want to share the knowledge I have gained that have influenced my personal decision. Look forward to a series of blogs regarding the whys and hows of cloth diapering.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to reading what you've learned, and picking up a new tip or two!

    I'm in the planning stages of a big cloth diapering blog carnival with some other bloggers. I'll have to let you know when we make the official announcement - maybe you'll want to join the fun :)
