Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Two's the second time around, are the same as the first time. This time I know what to expect, what works and what doesn't. It still is hard to see your baby cry and get in trouble.

Jasey, has fully embraced her two year old self. Everyday we here "I do", "My turn" and "How about now?" at first it was cute and endearing. I patiently let her put her shoes on, I carefully let her have a turn brushing her own teeth, I smiled and marveled at how I was teaching her patience when she would ask and I would tell her not now and she would wait. In the past couple weeks it has all changed. She still says all the before mentioned, but now likes to let out a blood curdling scream at anything but her own way. Today we were walking through a parking lot, the rule is if you walk you have to hold mommy's hand. She didn't want to, I simply could not let her run through the parking lot so i grabbed her and said, "If you choose not to hold mommy's hand I will have to carry you. The big cars and trucks cannot see you Jasey, and I don't want you to get hurt." This was met with a blood curdling "NO!!!!!" I ignored her tantrum and picked her up, unable to leave because I was picking up her brother, we walked into his class and soon her tears were all forgotten.

On the better side of two's, she is copying everything I do, she even pretends to straighten her hair and has several times gotten in my make-up. Every week she seems to be learning new words or phrases. She pretends to shiver and says "I freezin" when she's cold. Clasps her hands under her chin and says "Too scared".

I know all of this is her learning to identify and express her emotions. Part of me is loving this new stage and the other part is sad that we are suddenly seeming no longer babyish.

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