Monday, March 28, 2011

Green Part 2

I haven't touched this subject since November 2010, oh my things have changed. I really need to give my friends Brittany and Melissa the credit for helping to enlighten and educate me on whole living and being eco-friendly. Through their experiences that they have shared in conversation I find myself curious and then doing research on my own. I have already listed several healthier eating choices we are making, here are the Green choices we are making.

1) The biggest thing I have discovered is that at our Wal-mart they have free recycling. Next to the Good Will drop off there are several huge white trash can looking things. Each one is marked either, paper, cardboard, etc... I now separate all the paper in our house such as magazines, receipts, junk mail etc... I also separate all the cardboard, Empty 12pks, cereal boxes, empty toilet paper tubes, empty diaper boxes and so forth. I then whenever I'm going to go their and shop I stop and drop off everything that is to be recycled. The amount of waste coming out of our house has been just about cut in half. It also costs me nothing! I do believe they have one for plastic, but we rarely buy plastic so I haven't looked into it yet.

2) I recently bought several cloth bags to use for my groceries instead of plastic bags. I got the ones that were 99 cents a piece. Honestly, they hold more, they stand nicely in my trunk and don't fall over, plus I can carry more into the house in one trip because I don't have plastic bags ripping or cutting into my hands. I estimate we are saving 50 plus plastic bags a month.

3) Thirdly and probably the most cost effective one is trading in my plastic dishware. I am choosing to do this after I was enlightened about the amount of chemicals in plastic and how they can leak into our foods.I had already seem lids and cups fraying as a result of going through the dishwasher even through they are supposed to be dishwasher safe. I also was educated about how my Montessori friend uses cups for her child instead of sippy cups. So I got rib of all my plastic cups including sippy cups. Two playtex no spill sippy cups cost me about $8. A set of 16 glasses cost me $8, now we keep our drinks in the kitchen and they will last longer.


  1. I love this post, thank you for the mention! I definatley need to use the free recycling, you reminded me of something important. Thank you!

  2. Small changes that make a big difference! Thanks for sharing yours :)
