Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why my healthy changes are important...

Yes, this is a blog about my darling little angles. Yes, my recent posts have been about healthy changes my family is making. The are connected I assure you.

Children are like sponges they soak everything up around them good and bad. For many many years psychologists and child development athorities have agreed and concluded how seriously influencing a child's environment is to their development. Children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced, girls of mothers with bad body images tend to have the same issues, and so forth. No matter what we want to think we are very much alike to those who raised us. Please don't freak out, I didn't say we are destined to be like them, we have free will and can make different choices. Children tend to mimic their parents style when it comes to food. Those who had parents who cooked tended to do the same. Children who had a taste per say for healthier things, tended to make healthier eating habits when they were older. There is a ton of information out there about this, I encourage each of you to research it for yourselves.

In my house, I want my kids to grow up eating and liking healthy choices. I want them to prefer fruits and vegetables over microwave dinners. I'm not saying never let your kid have a treat, but educate them about what you are eating. My four year old knows exactly what I mean when I tell him he can only have something healthy vs a treat.

Besides helping them grow up to make healthier decisions, I am helping them grow up into the healthiest people they can be. I truly believe there is more to feeding you child then just putting food in front of them, but that the quality of that food matters greatly.

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