Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Tooth part 2

So... that wiggly sucker is no more.

On February 23rd, Cj says "mom look". I turn around and there before me stands my four year old in all his glory, proudly holding is little hand out to me. I look and then look closer, laying on his palm is a tiny white tooth. I look up at my son his eyes gleaming and a toothless smile beaming at me.

That night we put the tooth in a small cup and the tooth fairy left him $2.00.

C.J. feels rich, declaring he shall go to Wal-mart and buy a huge toy.

So in my own way of keeping all life experiences educational, I used this experience to reiterate the importance of dental hygiene, we read a book " The Night before the Tooth Fairy" by: Natasha Wing and "Just going to the Dentist" by: Mercer Myer. We also used this receiving money as a way to go over the money concept, using addition, subtraction and easy division. Such as you have a two dollars, if I take one away then what do you have? One dollar four ways is 25 cents and so forth.

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