Jump-roping, in schools they have done Jump for Heart jump-a-thons for ages. They are on to something. Jump- roping is one of the best ways to exercise, it tones, builds muscle, works your heart. It's affordable we got our jump ropes at walmart with an average of $5 each. We learned together what the preferred length was for each person and cut the ropes to length. BTW, standing on the center of the rope the handles are to come to your chest, no higher, no lower. The kids are learning how to jump rope. Mom and Dad are refining our skills and have learned the Ski Jump and the High Jump. This is easily a family activity also, get a long rope, an adult on each side and teach your child to jump in the middle. Many of you will remember this from your childhood. I bet after you try it, you will be amazed that as a child you were able to do this for 10+ minutes at a time. I encourage you to teach your kids the jumping rhymes that you remember as a child. If you can't remember an impressive list can be found here.
Hula-Hooping- I have not hula hooped since I was a kid. I have gotten the random challenges here and there from my nieces, but honestly I haven't done it regularly for some time. Until today, we bought a hula hoop. I have learned there are different sizes, depending on how tall you are. To successfully hula, you need a hoop that is as tall as your navel or taller. There are many benefits from hooping you can find them here. My favorite benefit is the calories burned, it is reported you can burn a whopping 100 calories per every 10 minutes! We have fun laughing at each others attempts, have hooping competitions, and Jasey likes to teach the dogs to jump through the hoops!
The American Heart association includes 5 ways play can change your day. Here are a few of our favorite things to do outside, with the kids.
1) Go to the park
2) Go on walks
3) Bike riding, obsticles and races.
4) Sports
5) Treasure Hunting
What do you and your family do together for fun and exercise?