Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Adventures of C.J.

   Of all my children I must say C.J. is the most like me. We are both very emotional. I try very hard to remember how I felt when things happened in my childhood and try very hard to be careful of his feelings. Really the only thing he gets reprimanded for is his attitude. Learning that even when you're unhappy there is an acceptable way and an unacceptable way of handing it.
  C.J.has always been my "challenging child" he is very very active, very smart, doesn't need a lot of sleep, and very sensitive to stimulation. We have at different points in his life been confronted with information through articles, well meaning friends and family that would indicate he might be a candidate for medication. For personal reasons we chose to NOT to medicate. We however, use others resources to teach behavior control and self soothing. We began trying different things with a lot of trial and error when he was 15 months old and refusing all naps and only sleeping 8 hours a night. While for most people the saying , the earlier a child goes to bed the longer they will sleep, is true. For us it was not.  For example, we would put him to sleep at 8 pm and he would be up at 4 am ready to go.  Fast forward and we have a wonderful routine that is working so so well. I honestly have to thank homeschooling alot! C.J. NEEDS physical activity, I have him playing outside 3 plus hours a day. He runs, climbs, swings, plays sports, plays with the dogs, rides his bike, we go to parks etc... He needs this burn off to help him control himself. We are also very cautious of what he eats and drinks, moderating sugar and caffeine. He naturally avoids carbs, and with his energy this makes gaining weight not so easy. He also needs mental stimulation, mental challenges to exhaust his brain. Last year he would lay awake for hours, saying , "Mom, I can't get my brain to turn off." In doing the above he does alot better with sensory input. He doesn't get that over stimulated high from crowds and loud noises. I could go on and on about what we do, what works and what hasn't, But I won't. Thats is not who he is.
        C.J. is the bravest kid I know, he loves meeting new kids and trying new things. It's heart breaking that he doesn't need me! He is inventive, creating his own games and making his own toys. He is VERY smart. He is doing school work above his grade level. He is full of random facts and conclusions, "Mom, why do we call it a piggy back, pigs don't ride on backs. We should call them gorilla backs, because they do carry kids on their backs." He is all boy, often dressing in camouflage grabbing his toy gun and crawling around the backyard playing army. He is very helpful, plays so well with his siblings, silly, and sensitive. It's hilarious to watch him run to the toilet whenever Alex has a blow out. Even funnier when he proclaims, " I just can't handle this mom." I am so proud of the boy he is growing into.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Ms. Jasey

 Ms. Jasey, there is so much about her. I could  write a book! She loves to look pretty, although her idea and my idea differ a lot. She LOVES having her picture taken. While she is only 3 1/2 many people mistake her for a kindergartener. She is very mature, and the things she says seem older. Looking back she did do things earlier and easier than C.J.  Even now she strives to do things, I fill are advanced for her. After much begging on her part I have begun teaching her how to read. I am using the same Hooked on Phonics series I used with C.J. She already knows 90% of her letters. Now we are solidifying sounds. She writes a lot, random letters, a circle here or there, a pink sticker and so forth. Then she will "deliver" these letters to friends or family and read them. Often the are asking for someone to come play, or to put something on her birthday list.

   Jasey is very imaginative, she plays mommy every day. Insisting her dolly's have clothes, diaper bags, strollers etc... Often I shares Alex's baby items with her. Yesterday she informed me her Teddy had to come to the store with us, because it was illegal for mommy's to leave there babies at home alone. What could I say she had a point Teddy came along. I find her playing out entire scenarios telling me her dolls names and backgrounds, "This is Lola, she came from the moon, she hates broccoli!" She is a total and complete Daddy's girl. She adores him and he dots on her. She is attached to his side when he is home. The boys love daddy as well, but not with the same adoration. Chris treats her like a lady. While C.J. knows to hold open doors and let ladies go first, Jasey knows this as well and I love watching her pause and wait for daddy to open her  door.
She often asks, "Will you teach me?" when I am doing something crazy fun like...mopping, or baking. Most of the time she helps me and does a great job. She loves to mother Alex. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up she will reply, "A Mommy." Jase does talk A LOT, about everything. However, she is surprisingly shy around girls her own age. I had wanted to name her "Fallen Rain" Chris changed that at the hospital. However, Rain stuck and that's her middle name and so fitting of her. She can be calm and refreshing or angry and fierce, like the rain. Maybe only having one girl is for the best, I'm not sure this household could handle two divas! But, as she gets older and changes I find myself missing the little girls she was and excitedly looking forward to the "big" girl she is becoming all at the same time.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Last moments of babyhood...

Heading down the hallway.
  Suddenly, Alex is losing his babyness at a frightening speed. He has grown so much this last month. He refuses baby food, any and all kinds, prefering regular food cut up. He is doing well, he has long developed his pincer grasp. He hates his bottle, but has a sippy he loves. We only do water with our babies, and he is loving it. I can't believe how old he looks when he grabs it and drinks by himself. He does still nurse very frequently and shows no signs of wanting to stop. For the first time I am considering nursing beyond 12 months.

Peeking in brothers room.

    Alex,has learned to crawl. He is very quick and it is not unusual to find him going down the hall way looking in the bed rooms to find his brother and sister. We also tend to find him in the bathroom just sitting in the dark. I am never far behind,and it's fun to see where he goes. I noticed he is very content now that he is mobile. Our toy time has taken a break while he explores EVERYTHING! Alex now has 6 teeth and working on more, most things get chewed on. It's really rewarding watching the older kids redirect him when he grabs something he can't have. " That's the dog's toy, here is a ball." Jasey will say as she removes the dog toy handing him a ball.
Looking at C.J. clapping.
 We have also learned to clap. He amuses himself alternating between clapping, blowing raspberries and clapping again. He is so proud of himself. In addition to this he also says, "Da-da" much to daddy's delight. He pulls himself up on everything, babbles and points a lot. I read to him, and he sits with us as I read to the older ones. I find myself narrating my actions. "Mommy is doing laundry, whose socks are these?...These are Jasey's socks. Lets fold the towels. I like the soft towels, here touch the soft towel." I go on and on. My six year old likes to inform me that Alex doesn't care about laundry, or whatever I am doing.
Exuberantly clapping!


Pulling himself up.


  Did I mention his developing personality? He now throws baby tantrums. Consisting of flailing arms and legs along with angry cries. It's very cute. Funny even. We just give him words, redirect, distract. I am confident he will out grow this. In the meantime I get adorable pictures!


  There are many amazing toys on the market for young tots. Some are educational, others are the tried and true like rattlers. Some have bright lights and out of this world sounds, others are simple plastic balls. Whatever is true for your home, if you have a child you have invested or been gifted toys.
   After two kids, I feel as if I live in a toy store. We seem to have a few of every different kind. When my third came along, I declared NO MORE TOYS!!!! Not because I feel as if he doesn't deserve them, I have just realize that for young children everything is new. I already had a TON of toys, why buy more? He has never seen these toys. I did however decide to use everyday items as toys and rotate them as needed.'Dusty calculator' photo (c) 2008, Andy Melton - license: One of Alex's favorite toys has been an old calculator. He loves the sounds the keys make when pounded, he loves watching the numbers appear. It was plain, boring, and not a toy. In his mind that made the calculator priceless. Being that Alex is only 9 months, many of the items are not even close to being used as meant to be. That's okay, he is full filling his desire to explore, to quench his little curiosity.

  As he has begun crawling small baskets of toys in each room filled with similar items as proved to be the most fun. For the living room a calculator, cordless phone, remote, hard bored books. For the kitchen measuring spoons, sippy cup, pot holder, small bowl. In the bathroom, a hand held mirror, brush, and a tooth brush.

  As we approach the holiday season, family members are already asking what does he or she want for Christmas. I find myself really watching what my children zone in on and play with. Much my surprise they don't play with a lot of what they have. This year we are limiting the gifts to experiences (zoo and museum passes), educational toys such as books, science kits, building sets, and toys that they can play with not toys that entertain them. I am sick of people buying toys that do one thing, my kids play with them for that day and then are done. Look forward to some personal toy reviews this holiday season.