Monday, October 15, 2012

Ms. Jasey

 Ms. Jasey, there is so much about her. I could  write a book! She loves to look pretty, although her idea and my idea differ a lot. She LOVES having her picture taken. While she is only 3 1/2 many people mistake her for a kindergartener. She is very mature, and the things she says seem older. Looking back she did do things earlier and easier than C.J.  Even now she strives to do things, I fill are advanced for her. After much begging on her part I have begun teaching her how to read. I am using the same Hooked on Phonics series I used with C.J. She already knows 90% of her letters. Now we are solidifying sounds. She writes a lot, random letters, a circle here or there, a pink sticker and so forth. Then she will "deliver" these letters to friends or family and read them. Often the are asking for someone to come play, or to put something on her birthday list.

   Jasey is very imaginative, she plays mommy every day. Insisting her dolly's have clothes, diaper bags, strollers etc... Often I shares Alex's baby items with her. Yesterday she informed me her Teddy had to come to the store with us, because it was illegal for mommy's to leave there babies at home alone. What could I say she had a point Teddy came along. I find her playing out entire scenarios telling me her dolls names and backgrounds, "This is Lola, she came from the moon, she hates broccoli!" She is a total and complete Daddy's girl. She adores him and he dots on her. She is attached to his side when he is home. The boys love daddy as well, but not with the same adoration. Chris treats her like a lady. While C.J. knows to hold open doors and let ladies go first, Jasey knows this as well and I love watching her pause and wait for daddy to open her  door.
She often asks, "Will you teach me?" when I am doing something crazy fun like...mopping, or baking. Most of the time she helps me and does a great job. She loves to mother Alex. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up she will reply, "A Mommy." Jase does talk A LOT, about everything. However, she is surprisingly shy around girls her own age. I had wanted to name her "Fallen Rain" Chris changed that at the hospital. However, Rain stuck and that's her middle name and so fitting of her. She can be calm and refreshing or angry and fierce, like the rain. Maybe only having one girl is for the best, I'm not sure this household could handle two divas! But, as she gets older and changes I find myself missing the little girls she was and excitedly looking forward to the "big" girl she is becoming all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love these pictures of her! She looks and sounds like so much fun. Her pretend play sounds very entertaining, and makes me look forward to that age with Annabelle. She often introduces her toys to me and gives their names, but never a life story to go with it. That is awesome!
