Thursday, October 11, 2012

Last moments of babyhood...

Heading down the hallway.
  Suddenly, Alex is losing his babyness at a frightening speed. He has grown so much this last month. He refuses baby food, any and all kinds, prefering regular food cut up. He is doing well, he has long developed his pincer grasp. He hates his bottle, but has a sippy he loves. We only do water with our babies, and he is loving it. I can't believe how old he looks when he grabs it and drinks by himself. He does still nurse very frequently and shows no signs of wanting to stop. For the first time I am considering nursing beyond 12 months.

Peeking in brothers room.

    Alex,has learned to crawl. He is very quick and it is not unusual to find him going down the hall way looking in the bed rooms to find his brother and sister. We also tend to find him in the bathroom just sitting in the dark. I am never far behind,and it's fun to see where he goes. I noticed he is very content now that he is mobile. Our toy time has taken a break while he explores EVERYTHING! Alex now has 6 teeth and working on more, most things get chewed on. It's really rewarding watching the older kids redirect him when he grabs something he can't have. " That's the dog's toy, here is a ball." Jasey will say as she removes the dog toy handing him a ball.
Looking at C.J. clapping.
 We have also learned to clap. He amuses himself alternating between clapping, blowing raspberries and clapping again. He is so proud of himself. In addition to this he also says, "Da-da" much to daddy's delight. He pulls himself up on everything, babbles and points a lot. I read to him, and he sits with us as I read to the older ones. I find myself narrating my actions. "Mommy is doing laundry, whose socks are these?...These are Jasey's socks. Lets fold the towels. I like the soft towels, here touch the soft towel." I go on and on. My six year old likes to inform me that Alex doesn't care about laundry, or whatever I am doing.
Exuberantly clapping!


Pulling himself up.


  Did I mention his developing personality? He now throws baby tantrums. Consisting of flailing arms and legs along with angry cries. It's very cute. Funny even. We just give him words, redirect, distract. I am confident he will out grow this. In the meantime I get adorable pictures!

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable! He really does look like a little boy already, too - I can hardly believe how little baby is left! I love your descriptions of his interactions with Jasey and CJ. I'm so looking forward to seeing Anabelle and Elliot really play together!
