Thursday, October 11, 2012


  There are many amazing toys on the market for young tots. Some are educational, others are the tried and true like rattlers. Some have bright lights and out of this world sounds, others are simple plastic balls. Whatever is true for your home, if you have a child you have invested or been gifted toys.
   After two kids, I feel as if I live in a toy store. We seem to have a few of every different kind. When my third came along, I declared NO MORE TOYS!!!! Not because I feel as if he doesn't deserve them, I have just realize that for young children everything is new. I already had a TON of toys, why buy more? He has never seen these toys. I did however decide to use everyday items as toys and rotate them as needed.'Dusty calculator' photo (c) 2008, Andy Melton - license: One of Alex's favorite toys has been an old calculator. He loves the sounds the keys make when pounded, he loves watching the numbers appear. It was plain, boring, and not a toy. In his mind that made the calculator priceless. Being that Alex is only 9 months, many of the items are not even close to being used as meant to be. That's okay, he is full filling his desire to explore, to quench his little curiosity.

  As he has begun crawling small baskets of toys in each room filled with similar items as proved to be the most fun. For the living room a calculator, cordless phone, remote, hard bored books. For the kitchen measuring spoons, sippy cup, pot holder, small bowl. In the bathroom, a hand held mirror, brush, and a tooth brush.

  As we approach the holiday season, family members are already asking what does he or she want for Christmas. I find myself really watching what my children zone in on and play with. Much my surprise they don't play with a lot of what they have. This year we are limiting the gifts to experiences (zoo and museum passes), educational toys such as books, science kits, building sets, and toys that they can play with not toys that entertain them. I am sick of people buying toys that do one thing, my kids play with them for that day and then are done. Look forward to some personal toy reviews this holiday season.


1 comment:

  1. I am so with you! What you're doing with Alex is exactly what I did with Annabelle - a basket of appropriate and interesting items in each room.

    There are so many toys out there that are just a waste of space. I'm interested to see what you've found that you like!
