Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Adventures of C.J.

   Of all my children I must say C.J. is the most like me. We are both very emotional. I try very hard to remember how I felt when things happened in my childhood and try very hard to be careful of his feelings. Really the only thing he gets reprimanded for is his attitude. Learning that even when you're unhappy there is an acceptable way and an unacceptable way of handing it.
  C.J.has always been my "challenging child" he is very very active, very smart, doesn't need a lot of sleep, and very sensitive to stimulation. We have at different points in his life been confronted with information through articles, well meaning friends and family that would indicate he might be a candidate for medication. For personal reasons we chose to NOT to medicate. We however, use others resources to teach behavior control and self soothing. We began trying different things with a lot of trial and error when he was 15 months old and refusing all naps and only sleeping 8 hours a night. While for most people the saying , the earlier a child goes to bed the longer they will sleep, is true. For us it was not.  For example, we would put him to sleep at 8 pm and he would be up at 4 am ready to go.  Fast forward and we have a wonderful routine that is working so so well. I honestly have to thank homeschooling alot! C.J. NEEDS physical activity, I have him playing outside 3 plus hours a day. He runs, climbs, swings, plays sports, plays with the dogs, rides his bike, we go to parks etc... He needs this burn off to help him control himself. We are also very cautious of what he eats and drinks, moderating sugar and caffeine. He naturally avoids carbs, and with his energy this makes gaining weight not so easy. He also needs mental stimulation, mental challenges to exhaust his brain. Last year he would lay awake for hours, saying , "Mom, I can't get my brain to turn off." In doing the above he does alot better with sensory input. He doesn't get that over stimulated high from crowds and loud noises. I could go on and on about what we do, what works and what hasn't, But I won't. Thats is not who he is.
        C.J. is the bravest kid I know, he loves meeting new kids and trying new things. It's heart breaking that he doesn't need me! He is inventive, creating his own games and making his own toys. He is VERY smart. He is doing school work above his grade level. He is full of random facts and conclusions, "Mom, why do we call it a piggy back, pigs don't ride on backs. We should call them gorilla backs, because they do carry kids on their backs." He is all boy, often dressing in camouflage grabbing his toy gun and crawling around the backyard playing army. He is very helpful, plays so well with his siblings, silly, and sensitive. It's hilarious to watch him run to the toilet whenever Alex has a blow out. Even funnier when he proclaims, " I just can't handle this mom." I am so proud of the boy he is growing into.


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