Saturday, March 31, 2012


Let me paint a picture.

We have a Huge family. My kids have 3 sets of grandparents, 6 sets of aunts and uncles, and 14 cousins that live in a 25 mile radius. There are even more that we talk to weekly that live further away.

Whenever holidays or birthdays come around, my kids are VERY blessed. Now 5 years after my first, I am overwhelmed!!!

Flirting with the idea of minimalism. I am starting to believe less is more. I am suddenly taking inventory of everything around myself and growing disgusted at how much we have, when so many in the world have nothing. All the clutter, that is everywhere. Do we really need all this stuff?

Friday, March 30, 2012


Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I'm rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

If only they were true. Too many times I think words are spoken without the understanding of their true weight and impact. Words are powerful, more so then many know. With simple words you can either build up or destroy someone, anyone,even your children.

Today at the zoo, I was appalled at how many caregivers/parents were exasperated at their children for merely acting like children. Are we as a society so depraved that we must degrade, insult, and humiliate small children? I doubt these kids forget the harsh words or embarrassment. I think they will think its the norm, and then grow up and repeat the cycle going just a little bit further, because they were desensitized to so much already.

We wonder why there's so much violence, hatred, lack of empathy, but can we not stop to see it's the well meaning parents who are continuing the cycle?

I'd like to think many parents just are not sure how to control the situation, rather then just don't care.Here is a link to a really helpful article on behavior and how to react.Here is a revealing article on words and their effect on the childhood brain.

Interesting, I am choosing to simply do what I think is common sense and NEVER say degrading humiliating things to my children. A simple change can change the development of our future adults.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I cringe at the lack of morality among C.J.'s peers. I have brought my concerns forward and have been told the teachers are doing what they can. Come on, these are 5 year olds. Yet, so much of what C.J. asks and what I hear the kids repeat is way above their years.

Whatever happened to childhood? Why can't I preserve his innocence till he's a little older and has the capacity to understand. Yet, I feel forced to explain things and address issues because the other kids are bringing them up.

How far would you go to save your child's morality?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great Day

Today was a great beautiful day. we must have spent 5 plus hours outside. Mama is a bit pink. we played at the park, climbed trees, rode bikes, played with friends, ate ripe strawberries, chased the dogs, it smelled and felt like summer. The kids and I had such a great peaceful loving day together. If only every day was like this.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Food: Back to the Basics

Upon the arrival of Alex and having to re balance my time, I have reverted back to quick and easy meals. Some not so healthy, then I realized duh, we don't need fancy food or junk food, just the basics. So I began and am continuing to re vamp our dietary menu.

1) I make a veggie and a fruit tray at the beginning of every week and refill as needed. Using the trays with lids, this makes eating healthy easier and more convenient, the premade slots also give me a desire for variety. Using tips such as soaking apple slices in lemon juice to prevent browning, have made it successful.

2) It's all to easy to get caught up in consumerism and buy all that pre packaged yumminess, I have begun planning 2 desserts a week, brownies,cake,cookies, pie and making them homemade. It's healthier,cheaper and yummier.

3) Learning more isn't necessarily better, having less choices but varying them week to week. Such as toast/eggs, cereal, fresh fruit as breakfast choices one week and then, poppy seed muffins, oatmeal, waffles the next.

4) We have and are in the process of drastically cutting the amount of meat in our diet. Yes I am aware of the health concerns and am varying our diet accordingly. it's gotten very expensive and not very healthy with the red slime, preservatives, antibiotics and so forth.

I will post more as we venture further down this road, any and all tips are welcome :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

A new mom

You would think I would have it down, after all I have two older ones. But never before have I been a mom to three small children. The family dynamics have changed greatly.

First, I forgot how time consuming breast feeding is, but I love it and have not had any problems. My 2nd Jasey was BF for only 5 months before I got extremely sick and had to stop due to the medication. I am so grateful not having to buy formula (expensive), worry about heating water (a pain), waking up in the middle of the night to make a bottle (tiring) and of course the extra dishes (ugh) the best thing is that breast milk DOES NOT SMELL!!!! I couldn't stand the smell of formula. I love always having it with me, ready, warm and clean. I love snuggling with my tiny when he wakes for his morning feeding.
Yet, I didn't anticipate my 5 year old telling his whole class the baby eats my boobs. Nor, did I anticipate his sudden interest in all boobs. We are suddenly fielding questions, "mom why don't you have bug boobs", "can I see?", "What does it taste like?", "can daddy do it?" Can Grandma,Aunt or female friend feed the baby?" Why do you have milk and they don't?" it goes on and on followed by a shy smile and giggles.
My 3 year old daughter has taken this issue in stride and is found many times sitting on the sofa with her doll up her shirt just nursing she says. I have heard her tell her brother several times "C.J. go get me that I'm feeding the baby." as she nurses her pretend baby. I hope I don't always sound so demanding from my feeding spot. LOL!!

When I say the family dynamic has changed I really mean it. My loving passive, gentle 3 year old has suddenly turned into a trying three year old. Dramatic, demanding, whiny, emotional and suffering from being thrust into the middle child position. Not big enough to do everything big brother does, but to big to be a baby. I am trying very hard to counter this with patience and several new activities she an I can do together. I got her a preschool book, because she likes to do homework like big brother. She got an easel to paint her pretty pictures and we emphasize how Alex is too tiny to do something so cool. She has also reverted to climbing into our bed almost every night. Honestly I don't mind a bit, we brought another bed into our room and pushed it up against ours. It works for us and feels right.

I feel busier than ever, but I truly love it. I have finely found my groove. Not parenting in any which way but my own. Doing what is best for MY kids.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Catch up!

I have spent the past almost year re-evaluating my life. I have concluded that as much as I love the internet it was consuming all to much of my daily life, so I cut it out.

We were surprised with another sweet angel Alexander Lucas born 1/6/2012, so precious. We are officially out numbered kids to adults, and honestly it took a good month to slip into a routine.

I continue to try and live green. Buy 2nd hand, donate un-used items, recycle, buy energy saving appliances and bulbs, etc...

I am ever consumed with my children and everything that entails. This year with C.J. being in school and getting older, we were confronted with having to explain adult situations that our child was otherwise naive too. We also have begun to censor things coming into their lives. Surprising all the negative influences one can encounter.

Education in it self has been a main topic of discussion, evaluation and research in our house. What is the best for OUR family,and how can we obtain it? Is whats considered mainstream normal developmentally appropriate?

Many of my opinions on parenting and life have changed. I will try to address all of the above in more detailed posts in the near future.