Friday, May 11, 2012

Living Green

Green living, honestly I'm pretty proud with how green we are. I buy organic whenever possible. We recycle, buy used,  and re-use what we can.

Consignment stores- I just discovered, a  few of the consignment stores locally. I'm in love! I love being able to save money while buying my kids the things they need. Shop at locally owned businesses, that in turn provide families with some extra income. Also another form of recycling.

 Reuse- I also wash and reuse items normally thrown away. Straws, plastic sandwich bags, and plastic utensils all of which I wash by hand and never microwave. These items I use all the time in C.J. and Chris's lunches. We also wash out glass jars some are used as glasses, others are saved for when I make homemade candles. Others are recycled.

Breastfeeding- I include this because by breastfeeding I don't have to buy formula thus cutting down on waste. (This is a personal decision and not a judgment.)

Cloth Diapering- I am proud to say we are cloth diapering, it took about 6 weeks for him to get big enough so that they would fit well. I still use disposables when someone else is watching him, when we are gone for a long time, or staying overnight at houses that prefer we don't use their machine to wash the diapers in.

Homemade Baby Food- I received a baby Bullet for my baby shower and am loving it. I have only played with it as Alex is still very young. I personally think the taste difference between store bought and homemade is amazing. Plus, I save money and am not throwing away more plastic.

Recycling- We recycle plastic, cardboard and paper at our local Wal-mart. They have free recycling roll offs. I also recycle cans at our local City Market.

Composting- We have a composter in the back yard. So, all of our left over or scrap pieces of fruits and veggies go in there.

 I try to be conscientious about the things we use, like dish towels instead of paper towels. Reusable shopping bags instead of plastic. Hang drying instead of dryer, unplugging unused electronics etc...

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that cloth is going well for you! :) I have consignment store envy, as we really don't have a decent one here. I'm looking forward to having some in visiting distance again soon!
