Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mommy Confessions

Parenting isn't a competition, and shouldn't be treated so. As mothers we shouldn't be judging one another or critical. Parenthood is more then just doing it by the book, it's about raising wonderful human beings and making memories along the way.

~  I use fruit snacks to help my kids wait patiently in tough situations such as the dr.s office.

~  Sometimes I skip bath night.

~  I let my daughter color her white blond hair with markers knowing they were washable, so I could sit in silence for 10 minutes.

~ I use movies for rest time.

~  I have been known to bribe my kids from time to time.

~  Sometimes, we stay up too late.

~ Sometimes, we sleep too late.

But, at the end of the day. I love my kids more then life itself. I've learned my kids shouldn't be made to fit life's schedule, but schedule life to fit the kids.

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