Friday, October 29, 2010

The Culprits!!

So you might want to know about the two dogs who tore up my kitchen floor. They are not big, they are not bad either. They are however puppies, 29 weeks today in fact. They are auggies, a mix between a Corgi and a toy Australian Shepard. We have two a boy named Scrappy and a girl named Pumpkin.

Up until now they haven't destroyed a thing, they are completely potty trained and very lovable. Or so that is what they want us to think. (the kitchen doesn't have trim up yet.)

This is Scrappy

This is Pumpkin.

Kitchen Floor

Sorry for not blogging sooner, this week has been chaotic in the least. Chris left last Friday to go Elk hunting, the kids and I were managing just fine without him. We missed him, but we were keeping our fingers crossed that he would get something. On Sunday night I left to go to the store, it had been really cold all day and seeing how our dogs were being more and more well behaved I decided to let them stay in the kitchen.
I returned about an hour later and our dogs had ripped our padded vinyl flooring all apart. I took a deep breath and calmly taped it back down. I didn't call Chris because I didn't want him to worry. Needless to say I did mention it two days later and he kinda freaked out. He came home and decided to spend the rest of his vacation putting in a new kitchen floor.
It was definitely nice to have Chris home we missed him to pieces. We actually had fun together putting in the new floor and the kids learned a lot.

C.J. learned about water and its many forms. While helping dad defrost the freezer, he saw how when ice warmed up it turned to a liquid.

C.J. also learned how to patch holes in the wall.

I love it when Chris and C.J. can do things together. This week I know the most important lessons C.J. learned were not the ones that were taught to him, but the one that was modeled before him. He saw how a wife and husband can work together on a project without yelling or tension, He saw how a father/husband took time to work on the house, thus providing for his family.

The most important lesson my son saw modeled before him was a father taking time to painstakingly and patiently help his son patch tiny trim nail holes. He saw how his father got on his hands and knees and explained a concept, he saw how his father just smiled when he accidentally got drywall mud on the wrong part. He saw how his father mirrored his self pride as the task was completed.

It's times like this I fall more and more in love with my husband.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School Part Three

I have taken a step back and seriously thought about my son's experience in the public school system and while I still remain undecided and quiet hesitant. For now I need to step back and wait.
Before I swoop in and save my son, I need to give him a chance to save himself. So...I am taking his evaluation to heart and am spending the next few weeks acquiring items that will make our home a perfect environment for him to develop the skills they feel he is lacking.
For example, we have always chosen to shave our little man's hair, because it's quick, cheap and helps because he sweats A LOT! However, when asked if he can comb his own hair, he says no because he doesn't have any hair to comb. He gets marked down.
Second example, He has picked out a couple pairs of shoes from time to time that have laces. unable to tie his own shoes at school, he gets marked down on putting his own shoes on.
So, we are going to help him acquire these skills and or reevaluate if we "the parents" are helping too much, or giving him items which are not age appropriate. So we are off to buy another pair of Lace free shoes, because the average child learns to tie their shoes at age 6, so for him as an early 4 it's not developmentally appropriate.

Friday, October 22, 2010

School Part two

One of my many concerns about my son being in school; Is that he won't be taught in a way that will allow him to learn. If that is the case then am I to do extra work at home? Do we hire a tutor? Do we hold him back? Then that produces even more questions, how much is too much? How much homework should a 4-6 year old have? Will all this work make him hate school and thus learning?

Ultimately, I want my son to be well adjusted, grasp concepts easily, learn to read and to read well and most of all to love learning and hopefully love school. I want my child to succeed in life.

This brings be to learning styles, not everyone learns the same way.

Visual Learners- Learn through seeing.
They need to see body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text, videos and hand-outs.

Auditory Learners- Learn through listening.
They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions and talking things through.

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners- Learn through moving, doing and touching.
They learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

Not many parents understand the different ways a child can learn, or the best way that their child does learn. Unfortunately, because of lack of resources and staffing, many of our children are in classrooms with things being taught in only a visual/auditory way. Example: The teacher explains a concept, may write it on the board and then hands out a worksheet. Both the auditory and visual learners with get something out of this, yet leaving the the Tactile/Kinesthetic learner out in the cold. Who probably by this time is acting distracted and appears to the teacher as not paying attention.

Take a child who has trouble sitting still and paying attention, along with trouble learning and what do you think the diagnose is? Suddenly we are brought to the over diagnosis of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)

"One Million U.S. kids may be wrongly labeled ADHA, says a research from Michigan State University. Attention Differences between kids might be a simple matter of age: The study found that the youngest kids in kindergarten class were 60% more likely to get the diagnosis then the oldest kids" Quote taken from (Parenting Early Years November 2010 pg 54)

I might seem like I'm looking for a problem. I'm not. Other moms who have a young child who is very hyper and learns by doing rather then sitting and watching or listening, understands my fears.

More information on Learning styles and more at:

School Part one

Let me start by explaining that I only attended public school k-4th grade and then once more my Sophomore year of high school. The other years I was home schooled. My mom would wake me up at 7 am Monday through Friday, I was to be at the kitchen table at 7:30 for her to go over what my daily assignments were. In 5th-8th I did Saxon Math, Abeka Science, History, English and Literature. I actually had an English book every year that went extensively over the parts of speech and diagramming complex sentences and built upon each prior years skills. In those years I also completed History Books on Greek Theology, Egypt. My mom required that I also do Bible study every day. I also extra classes such as french, creative writing and government. We went to many Museums, the mint, the zoo, the aquarium, the capitol and many other places.

I never fell behind, my mom just wouldn't let me go forward until I grasped the given concept. I never failed anything, If I did I was made to redo a section until I got it. She felt she wasn't doing me any favors by moving on, if I obviously didn't get the material. I was always given one on one attention. If something was giving me trouble or I was having trouble getting into it, we searched and found ways to not only make it interesting, but explain it in a way I could get it. I was also able to take my studies into areas I was most interested.

You might question the level of education I received. Well, I was given the Iowa Basics Standardized Tests EVERY year and always scored grades above what grade I was actually in. In my High School years I took the ACT and scored very well. I did work out of actual textbooks for every class. In my High School years I actually went through a college preparatory school and received my high school diploma. They required much hard classes to obtain graduation. To graduate I needed 4 science credits and they told me they HAD to be Bio 1 and 2, Chem and Physics. It was the same with all my other subjects. Also if my ending class grade was below a C and that is a 75% I failed that class and HAD to retake it to qualify for graduating. I woke up, my mom wrote the days lessons in a notebook, I would take my books and go to my room usually and sit and work and get it done. However I did need more instruction on certain subjects my mom and I would sit down and she would go over it with me and then the practice problems and or questions till I got it, and then I would go do my work. I was able to work ahead if I got really into something. I was able to get my stuff done quicker. Some days it was 3 hours others it was 6 depending on how easily I got it.

People want to say well when you home school you don't get the social aspects of it. When I hear this I just think how ridiculous they sound. I had friends who we would get together certain days of every weeks and do our work together. Many times I would be at the bus stop and meet friends and then hang out till dinner time. I went with friends to foot ball games and PUBLIC school dances. I danced 3-5 days a week, I took piano and voice. As I got older and had friends who already graduated I would hang out with them when my school was done, or go to the high school and meet friends for lunch. I also started working at 14 and met so many people. I did all the normal kid things, so I'm never quiet sure what they mean about lack of socialization.

In my Sophomore year I went back to public school to EXPERIENCE regular high school. I thought it was crazy. I felt there was a lot of class room time wasted. If I failed the teachers didn't care, they didn't care if I did my work or not. I thought it was So weird to have to have permission to go pee. Especially those students who hadn't abused the privilege of leaving the classroom. I was suddenly told, when I could eat and when I could pee. We spent a lot of time in certain classes watching movies. I could instantly tell the teachers who enjoyed their job and those who didn't. I quickly could tell the teachers who wanted to be everyone's best friend and those who didn't. I quickly found holes in the system. Like giving a person and A for effort on their home work whether it was correct or not, just because they tried. I wasn't used to stopping and waiting while the teacher went over and over something I got, but something another student didn't. I got bored. I knew the stuff they were going over and just chose not to do it. That was my experience.

Intellectually, I watched the news about CSAP results, and how schools were rated, I saw the rise in school violence, the media stating how kids are graduating without knowing how to read. As I devulged into studies when I was i college, I noticed how younger and younger kids are pressed to learn and prepare for school. I noticed how schools were teaching things to younger and younger children. Great for the kids who were mature and ready. But, I cringed at the thought of the children who weren't so mature. After all they are just children.

Here I am now, with my son in preschool and we have just completed the first quarter. I met with his teachers, listen to people who have him 12 hours a week for 7 weeks tell me about MY child. I saw how he was evaluated. I'm concerned. He is being evaluated against statistics against a range of other children, by people who hardly know him. Why isn't he being evaluated by the new skills he has obtained. Instead of all the things he has YET to learn. He's four. When I asked him, why he didn't do hes letter or sound for his teacher, when I know he knows them, he replied he felt shy. When I told the teachers he knew all of this, I received a Hmmm... smile and nod. Now I'm honestly sitting with a bad feeling. So he's supposed to spend three hours a day at preschool, then come home so I can work with him more on preschool stuff, and then we do his speech. Next year he will be five and attending Kindergarten 7 hours a day and then I still work with him at home for an hour and then do speech. I see how it's all worksheets and regurgitation of learned knowledge on demand. What if he doesn't learn that way? What if he doesn't feel like regurgitating when asked?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The other day at the store, I found the largest red strawberries, so I bought a couple. They are delicious, surprising for late October. We are loving them and eating them up quickly. My kids like most fruit, but strawberries are a favorite!! they go with everything!!! They like dipping them in chocolate and or whip cream for dessert.

We try to eat healthy, we eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. I try to buy frozen over canned. We drink milk and juice at meals and try to mostly drink water in between, C.J. has recently decided he hates water. We snack on a lot of cheese, yogurt, dried fruit, home made goodies, etc... Five nights a week my kids get a home cooked meal and the other two sometimes it is fast food, I LOVE Subway, but mostly something quick and easy like a heat up pizza or another favorite dough and cheese.

We love tacos, lasagna, bbq chicken, corn beef, and tons of other things from my Coolest find EVER!!! Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade. Wonderful recipes for those of us, who don't really desire or have the talent to prepare three hour long dinners with lots of ingredients and steps.

I do however, LOVE to bake and am pleased to say 90% of the time my kids eat home made cookies, cakes, muffins, bars, snack mix, etc... I strongly believe the treats I make have less preservatives, less sugar, less artificial crap and taste way better!!!

Baking and or cooking is a wonderful way to get the kids involved while they practice wonderful "practical life skills" I stole that from Melissa ;) pouring, scooping, stirring. They learn cause and effect, the concept of amounts with measuring, counting, the concept of temperatures, and the concept of consistencies such as liquid solid and the miraculous butter that goes from a solid to a liquid.

Baking with a child can be trying at first as they learn new rules and you realize the messes that can occur so quickly. Stick with it try something simple like a cake mix. The pride a child feels eating something they helped create is priceless.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Jasey rain Jumping on the bed. I love her smile. I love watching her have fun doing such simple things.

Jasey's first hair cut, and she didn't even cry. Nope this was right up her ally. I love how you can see how long her hair is when it's being pulled straight and not curling. They are growing up so fast.


C.J. got sent home with his fall evaluations. I'm surprised to admit I'm more then a little taken aback. My first reaction is who are you to judge my child. I'm frustrated because some of the things he got marked off for I know he knows, he probably didn't want to perform. Yet, I' sure it's a good thing to have this unbiased opinion. I know he has made progress, I can see it.

This is C.J. as we know him on any given day. An underwear wearing bad guy shooter.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Movie night!

After a busy week and two tired children. The best way to end the week was with a family movie night. i have read about these and heard about family movie nights. yet, due to the age of my kids we hadn't done one yet. Well, on Friday, "How to train your dragon" came out. So I took my kids down to the store and we picked it up along with some candy. Then we got Subway for dinner. We put towels out in the living room and ate our dinner together while watching the movie, after we were done eating we paused the movie and cleaned up. Then the kids and Chris and I cuddled up on the couch with our candy and watched the rest. It was fun, I loved the cuddles and listening to the kids comments. Such a cute movie also. As my children are getting older I am trying to censor what we watch. What better way to do it then to watch it with them. It was such a good time we have decided to have a once a month movie night.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

While on our trip we took some time to visit the Bass pro shop their in Springfield. Pretty amazing, my kids saw a ton of animals alive and stuffed. We were able to talk about how turtle were reptiles, bears live in the woods, wolves are in the dog family, very interesting. I seriously need to go back and spend a whole day cruising around looking at stuff. Now Chris is a hunter so both of the kids thought it was way cool to be on dad's territory. C.J. kept saying dad needs this and lets buy dad that. SO cute! Jasey just kept pointing at all the animals. At first everything was a puppy but now she can say bear and fish!

Remember the fake money I was talking about?

Well we had a chance to play with it. We went through every coin and learned it's name and how many pennies each coin was. We talked about how everything has a price and how we earn money with our jobs to buy the things we want. It was very fun, then that day C.J. kept trying to pay me for things!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Sometimes I don't know why things happen. I seriously blink and next thing i know my kids are doing something crazy!!!! Not 10 feet away putting the dog and cat food away. According to C.J. Jasey took my keys and stuck them into a light socket!!! Thankfully she was fine. The living room however, lost electricity. \

Now our house's fuse box isn't labeled so I had to turn on all the lights in the house and randomly start flipping switches. Finally I found the living room and YEAH!!! We had light. The only casualty was i blew the fridge light. Oops! I tell you life is never boring.

The things my kids do...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I need a vacation.

I know we just got home, but after two 20 hour car rides with my two kids and 4 wonderful days with family. I feel like a wreak. I honestly have not sat down for a minute since we got home. Besides bags that needed unpacking, clothes that needed washing (extra loads cuz my kids are motion sick) my darling aunt sent three industrial size garbage bags of hand me downs home with me! I LOVE hand me downs, I am so thankful. So finally it's Thursday and I think I am almost caught up.

Then I remembered another awesome cool thing about our trip. Talk about a teach able moment. In my aunt's back yard we found a praying mantis. which the kids were able to watch and hold. Jasey was absolutely memorized. We talked about what they ate and how long they lived. We discussed that they were insects and what made them insects. If my mother would have allowed it in the car I would have brought it home. I love it when my kids initiate learning and have fun with it!

Here is C.J. wet from playing with squirt guns getting help from aunt Jenni holding the mantis. He thought he would be bigge after watching Kung Fu Panda.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cool things about our trip!!!

There were so many awesome things about our trip to Missouri. The drive out there DID NOT go as planned after getting lost for a bit (thanks mom) and discovering my kids get motion sickness. Yet, we finally arrived in one piece and all in all my kids did wonderful!!

One of the most awesome things about our trip was the quilts my grandmother made for my kids! She spent literally hours piecing together and personalizing two gorgeous quilts. Jasey received a pink and purple Tinkerbell and friends, C.J. received a ninja turtles one.

I just love the fact that my kids get the chance to know and love the same Grandparents who mean so much to me. During our trip we also had the very BEST salsa I have EVER tasted. Home made and with home grown peppers and tomatoes. The first week of October and my grandma still had stuff on the vine.

There is so much to tell, I'll have to continue in another post.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our trip...

So our little family minus daddy, because he has to work, is embarking on a trip to Missouri to see the kids great-grandparents. We are traveling with my parents in their motor home. We are planning on leaving very early and driving the 16 hours it takes to get there in one day. We have done this once before when Cj was 2 and Jasey was 10 weeks. Now they are 4 and almost two. So I had to prepare. Along with all the snacks I loaded my parents RV up with this morning. I have packed some of their favorite toys and books. In addition I also bought some NEW items that might interest them. I bought both of the kids a Color explosion mini pack, they were $4 at Walmart, something to pull out when plain old crayons and coloring book are no longer fun.

I bought each of the kids a sticker activity book.

Then lastly they each got to pick out two small toys. CJ picked a money set, so maybe this will be a teachable moment to learn about money and its value.

I spent about 25 dollars on these small items, but let me explain. At every gas stop my kids will get up and out of the RV and we will walk around and or run if possible, using the bathroom etc... so that they can burn some energy and clear their little heads. Then when they ask me to buy a small over priced gas station toy I can say no, because I have a surprise in the car.

I also packed bottled water, juices, sandwich stuff, fruit and veggies, with little junk food. So that we don't have to buy anything and I can limit their caffeine and sugar intake. For lunch we will be stopping at a rest stop to have a picnic and run around.

The night before I plan on letting them stay awake longer so that instead of waking at 6:30 am they wake at hope fully 8:30 am, thus sleeping through 3 1/2- 4 hours of the 16 hour drive. I also expect them to each take an afternoon nap, well because cars tend to lull the kids to sleep.

Wish me luck!!

Loving it!

Jasey and I are absolutely loving our Toddler time/ mommy and me class. This last Monday we sang Brother John in English and french, did the grandma and grandpa poem with hand gestures. My daughter favorite part was again, the musical instruments. This week we had a collection of clappers, triangles and bells. I love watching her get up and crowd the teacher (sorry Kate) just like the other kids. She happily grabs an instrument and shakes it in the way that babies do that shakes their whole little body. Then the class made guitars out of Styrofoam plate things and rubber bands. Then we ended the class dancing, she still wants me to hold her when we dance.
This week was her third class and she participated even more, left my side to go play before we started, and talked more. She still seems shy at times like when the class says good morning to her or does her name in the name game. Yet, on those mornings when I say 'are you ready for music class?" she gets excited and says "yes, play, play."
Below is the handout we got and the guitar she made.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


What do we do as a family. This is what we do as a family. Well...when daddy's asleep.

We paint his toe nails LOL!!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Finally!!! We have enough hair for a ponytail!!! Our little girl is growing up!

my, oh my!!!

This may look like just another ordinary rock to you. You pass tiny rocks every day and never give them a second thought, I never did. Untill this one... this one is special. Just ask me where i found it.


after playing outside with his friend he came running up to me saying his nose hurt. At first i thought he got hit. Then he informed me no, he didn't get hit he shoved a rock up his nose. I tried to get him to blow and nothing...
I tried to pick it out nothing...
Just as I was calling Chris to pick him up and take him to the urgent care (because I had my friends kids over) C.J. shot the rock out half way across the kitchen. Never in my life have I been so excited to see a tiny pebble. When asked why he put it up his nose he replies "because Quinn handed to me." I ask, "and, shoving it up your nose sounded like a good idea?" "yes" he answer.

And that my friends is our afternoon with the pebble!