Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cool things about our trip!!!

There were so many awesome things about our trip to Missouri. The drive out there DID NOT go as planned after getting lost for a bit (thanks mom) and discovering my kids get motion sickness. Yet, we finally arrived in one piece and all in all my kids did wonderful!!

One of the most awesome things about our trip was the quilts my grandmother made for my kids! She spent literally hours piecing together and personalizing two gorgeous quilts. Jasey received a pink and purple Tinkerbell and friends, C.J. received a ninja turtles one.

I just love the fact that my kids get the chance to know and love the same Grandparents who mean so much to me. During our trip we also had the very BEST salsa I have EVER tasted. Home made and with home grown peppers and tomatoes. The first week of October and my grandma still had stuff on the vine.

There is so much to tell, I'll have to continue in another post.

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