Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our trip...

So our little family minus daddy, because he has to work, is embarking on a trip to Missouri to see the kids great-grandparents. We are traveling with my parents in their motor home. We are planning on leaving very early and driving the 16 hours it takes to get there in one day. We have done this once before when Cj was 2 and Jasey was 10 weeks. Now they are 4 and almost two. So I had to prepare. Along with all the snacks I loaded my parents RV up with this morning. I have packed some of their favorite toys and books. In addition I also bought some NEW items that might interest them. I bought both of the kids a Color explosion mini pack, they were $4 at Walmart, something to pull out when plain old crayons and coloring book are no longer fun.

I bought each of the kids a sticker activity book.

Then lastly they each got to pick out two small toys. CJ picked a money set, so maybe this will be a teachable moment to learn about money and its value.

I spent about 25 dollars on these small items, but let me explain. At every gas stop my kids will get up and out of the RV and we will walk around and or run if possible, using the bathroom etc... so that they can burn some energy and clear their little heads. Then when they ask me to buy a small over priced gas station toy I can say no, because I have a surprise in the car.

I also packed bottled water, juices, sandwich stuff, fruit and veggies, with little junk food. So that we don't have to buy anything and I can limit their caffeine and sugar intake. For lunch we will be stopping at a rest stop to have a picnic and run around.

The night before I plan on letting them stay awake longer so that instead of waking at 6:30 am they wake at hope fully 8:30 am, thus sleeping through 3 1/2- 4 hours of the 16 hour drive. I also expect them to each take an afternoon nap, well because cars tend to lull the kids to sleep.

Wish me luck!!


  1. Why didn't you tell me you were blogging!? I love these glimpses into your family life - it's obvious what a loving, wonderful mom you are. CJ and Jasey are fortunate to have a mom who will put so much thought and planning into making an otherwise unpleasant experience a fun and interesting one for them. I'll definitely have to remember some of your ideas when mine gets a bit older.

    Oh, and how is Jasey almost two already!?

  2. WOW, Jess, good for you! When our family made the 18-20 hour trip from Colorado to Wisconsin, the only thing Mom had planned for us was homework. You're so proactive and creative! Those kids couldn't have a better Mommy than you!
