Thursday, October 14, 2010

I need a vacation.

I know we just got home, but after two 20 hour car rides with my two kids and 4 wonderful days with family. I feel like a wreak. I honestly have not sat down for a minute since we got home. Besides bags that needed unpacking, clothes that needed washing (extra loads cuz my kids are motion sick) my darling aunt sent three industrial size garbage bags of hand me downs home with me! I LOVE hand me downs, I am so thankful. So finally it's Thursday and I think I am almost caught up.

Then I remembered another awesome cool thing about our trip. Talk about a teach able moment. In my aunt's back yard we found a praying mantis. which the kids were able to watch and hold. Jasey was absolutely memorized. We talked about what they ate and how long they lived. We discussed that they were insects and what made them insects. If my mother would have allowed it in the car I would have brought it home. I love it when my kids initiate learning and have fun with it!

Here is C.J. wet from playing with squirt guns getting help from aunt Jenni holding the mantis. He thought he would be bigge after watching Kung Fu Panda.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of excitement! I hope you can get some time to relax soon!
