Wednesday, December 29, 2010


As this year comes to a close and all my friends are posting about reflecting and what the new year brings, I sit back and think about all that has changed this year. Every year I have one goal, This year it was to be happier and healthier. I feel I achieved this in so many ways. I don't feel I have ever had one year that has held so much personal growth.

To reflect on some of the many things that highlighted this past year. I see so much growth in my kids.

C.J. has totally developed a more grown up personality. He tried basketball this year for the first time, his motor skills and social skills are way more defined. He started preschool and I really noticed his responsibility level grow, as his ability to adapt to new situations. His speech has really improved. he can now zip up his jackets and buckle his seat belt. i could go on and on.

Jasey is almost two, she has way more hair and is talking up a storm. her personality is also changing and developing every day. Her likes and dislikes are more pronounced. Her fine motor skills are developing and she has taken a love to coloring. You can see her test her free will, the closer she gets to two. I can see a huge difference in her problem solving skills.

I wonder what this next year will hold for us. I know I will spend probably every year trying to make it more meaningful then the last. Trying to be a better person, parent and wife.

1 comment:

  1. I can really relate!! Happy new years to you and your family!
