Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Party and Program!

This year C.J. had a cute little Christmas party at preschool. They started off with several songs that the kids sang for their parents. There is something so heart moving about watching your baby stand in front of people and sing. C.J. sang loudly and off cue, I can probably say he is tone deaf. Yet, those songs were the most beautiful songs I've heard. After the kids were done singing we had treats and then they participated in a book exchange. Where each child had brought a wrapped book and then they all sat in a circle. The books were passed around as music was played when the music stopped the child who had the books took the top one and so forth until every child had a book.

I truly love these times when I get to meet my son's friends and meet their parents.

Their snack tables were set up all festive.

They even had a fire place in their play house area.

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