Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It's part of childhood, it happens every year. Oh, how I dread it. The flu season. I am a picky mom when it comes to my kids being clean and their faces snot free. I cringe when I see the first sick kid, you know the one. The one darling little person who coughs and doesn't cover it and then with a graceful swift movement wipes snot on the arm of his shirt. Then smiles and continues playing. I know being sick ultimately is developing their immune systems, but have you ever wondered how something so tiny can expel things so great?

The amount of puke, diarrhea and snot that can come out of such cute tiny little bodies is disturbing and slightly impressive. While, I know I can't prevent my kids from ever getting sick I can lower their chances. I make sure they exercise, eat well, drink lots of fluids, wash hands, get enough rest.

During the cold season I do more precautionary things, maybe even obsessively. I wash pillow cases, door knobs, light switches, toys, I spray sanitizer. These things make me feel productive, useful. Yet, they still get sick.

Two sick kids= one tired mommy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you have sick kiddos! I hope they get well in a hurry and you get some rest!

    Love your ornaments and gingerbread house :)
