Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas with us!

EXPLANATION: Many of our pictures show a blue blanket hanging in the background. It is be cause that entry way leads to the playroom. Which we were redoing and in the middle of redoing it I trashed all the curtains to three very big windows. Before I could buy new curtains, our dogs tore up the kitchen floor and we needed to redo that first, however, I didn't want every one to be able to look into my house. Thus, the blanket.

Mommy opening her present.

daddy opening his beloved Zombie DVD!

C.J. gave daddy the present he picked out all by himself at preschool.

Jasey looking fabulous in her minnie mouse robe

Mommy and Jasey in front of tree.

C.J. digging his new sweat suit from his Great Aunt and Uncle

This season Jasey's hair was finally braid-able!!

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