Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today they did health screenings at C.J.'s school, he passed everything as I thought he would. He was also the weather reporter today, when asked what the weather was like, he replied "Good and Sunny". He is continuing to have happy morning drop offs and wonderful pick ups.
Sissy is doing better, she still repeatedly says "C.J. bye-bye?" almost like she needs reassurance that we are coming back to get him, and I didn't just give him away. So I tell her 10 times on the way to the car. Yes, C.J. is at preschool and we will come get him later. Yesterday at our Mommy and Me toddle time, we sang a couple new hand songs: thumb-kin and thumbilina. We also danced with tambourines and maracas. We made our own maracas out of plastic Easter eggs filled with beans and then taped shut. She had a lot of fun. She left me to go play when we first arrived and participated more. She went the whole hour without her pacie!!!! For us that's a huge thing. We ended the afternoon by going for a walk with grandma, nothing like fresh air to wear a child out.

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