Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today Chris and I took the kids swimming. It was such a beautiful day, warm breeze and blue skies. One of the last summer like days. Our kids love to swim, they both wear arm floaties and jump right in. C.J. can dog paddle and float on his back, today he learned to do this odd back dog paddle swim thing. He also was jumping into the deep end by himself!! Jasey can float on her back and kick, she loves to be pulled in circles and have daddy put her on his shoulders.

Whenever we spend time together as a family I really feel we are making a huge impact on our kids. Hopefully providing them with many happy memories. In the day and age of t.v. and electronic games, I'm so thankful my kids run and play and are not glued to the t.v.

I believe physical activity is SO important for children! Not only does it reduce their risk for childhood obesity, it improves muscles tone, builds strong bones, helps them sleep better, and learning and accomplishing new things builds self-esteem. I'm an avid believer of learning through play!

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