Monday, September 20, 2010

Toddler Time

Today was the first day of the Toddler Time: Music and Movement class Jasey and I joined. It was fun, the lady who is directing it, is awesome.She has two little kids in the class as well and seemed very laid back. i loved how friendly she was when I first walked in. I was kinda nervous. I think most moms are while praying that "OUR" kid doesn't be the one to throw a toy or a fit.
First we had a free play period, then a welcome song. Followed by a poem with body movements and then "London Bridge" with colorful scarfs and instruments. Then there was a small craft, where the kids made Kazoo's out of a comb and wax paper. Then a wild dance period and the good bye song.
We had SO much fun. Jasey honestly didn't do very much, she mostly watched and stayed very close to mommy. She seemed to enjoy watching the other kids do things and slowly started to participate. By the end she kept going and sitting in the circle area by herself not wanting to leave. That's always a good sign.
I decided to sign up for this 6 wk class, so that Jasey and I could have "OUR" time together. Cj had his before she was born. Also I want her to make her own friends and learn to play with others by herself not always being an exstention of her older brother. I liked seeing her with kids her own age. I can't wait for next week.

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