Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today the evacuation lines for Woodland Park were moved from per-evacuation to mandatory. I think after all the losses last night they are just trying to be really careful. We were among the many who were declared mandatory. I have had everything packed for days and we have been living out of suit cases. When the call came I was ready, Chris was at work so I had to load what was left quickly along with the three kids and drive across town to my mom's. My adrenaline was kicking.

I had explained to my older kids (5) and (3) when this first started about why we evacuate and how it's all just to be safe. I tried to explain how if anything did happen we could always buy new things. However, this concept proved very hard for them to grasp. There were a lot of tears and they have been rather clingy. How do you express the importance of leaving without causing extreme fear? There just isn't a manual for these things.

My mom's house is listed as pre-evacuatory along with the rest of the city. The winds are blowing east and have been, I am feeling confident we will be safe. Then guilty for feeling safe knowing my safety mean the fire is blowing into another city and there is another family filled with fear.

This week we are just trying to keep calm and ready to leave at moments notice.

Keeps us in your prayers!

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