Saturday, June 30, 2012


Living in limbo is hard, not knowing if we are going or staying. Living out of suitcases with three small kids. Never fully being able to relax, getting a stomach ache every time the wind picks up. Trying to act like it doesn't bother me so my kids don't get worried.

Half of the town is closed of our 7,000 ish population, 1/2 are gone. Half of the city is closed, 50% of the open half is closed because so many people are gone, they have no workers. My husband is off work and has bad cabin fever.

We have played at Mcdonalds, visited with family that was still here, working in our garden. We have harvested enough spinach to fill two gallon size freezer bags, tons of radishes. Our peas are blossoming!!! We had one surviving zucchini plant, with these record highs some of our plants suffered. Broccoli never sprouted. Today we are doing a second planting with summer squash and beets. I decided we needed to get more radish seeds also. I have completed my lesson plans for next year, deciding to include a section on fire awareness. I am going to see if we and a few other home school families can visit the fire department, meet smokey, drive through the burn area, and even plant new trees. I feel this natural disaster can and will be an incredible learning tool for my kids. We can cover so many environmental , science, humanitarian topics.

We took the time to check out the new all natural store here in town!!!! I am so excited. Plus, shopping locally will help the town economically. I was glad to see there prices I felt were very reasonable. I will be going back to get some almond milk, organic dip mixes, honey and several homeopathic items I found. For those of you who don't know my children have all started out lactose intolerant. My two older ones can have dairy in moderation. However the baby cannot, being that I am nursing, the way we accomplish this is by myself eliminating dairy. I discovered what a huge difference this made very shortly before I had to quit nursing my 2nd, so this time around when I started seeing the signs I just made the changes. I still take a prenatal, eat lots of broccoli, hummus etc... to ensure I am receiving enough calcium and protein. I will be discussing with the dr. even taking a supplement as I have begun craving milk. Until then I am playing around with Soy and Almond milk. I personally cannot stomach the lactose free kind. I also need to be kind to my wallet.

Cloth diapering has been on the back burner, how does one cloth when you might go to a place with no washer or dryer? Or the place you do go (cough my mom's) requested please don't use my machines? So we are using pampers. I have been able to continue making home made baby food. Due to the delay in the produce trucks to our little town we have been consuming more canned/ frozen fruits and veggies then I would like.

But all in all these are small inconveniences for being safe.
My heart and prayers go out to the family or the deceased.

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