Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I don't have the words to explain what happened today!
My strength as a mother and person have been tested.

The Waldo Canyon Fire still burns, thankfully we have not been evacuated. Thankfully no one has been hurt. The pass ( hwy 24) is still closed, even after the fire  passes the risk of mud slides, and falling boulders is huge. I prayed really hard today for the winds to shift, for us to be safe...

This afternoon the winds shifted and carried the fire quickly like 1 + mile in 30 minutes. It went over the ridge and into Colorado Springs. On the news we watched people running to and from their house as fire burns in the back ground. Homes have been burnt to the ground, I-25 shut down, 32,000 displaced tonight. my heart cries and we can't go anywhere to help. As a nation we have been sheltered from many devastation's, tonight it looked like a war zone. We are writing an unwanted history.

I am grateful for my own safety, and for my families safety. I feel guilty. The amount of people without homes tonight is 4x the population of our little town. I want to help, volunteer, drop off food or something, but we can't.

My kids don't understand. I'm struggling for words to describe the seriousness of the situation without dousing them in fear. My eldest was crying a lot last night. He doesn't understand. I am praying and hoping the fire lays down tonight, that their are no winds, that the fire fighters can work on the offensive.

Praying Hard!

1 comment:

  1. I was just at a loss last night and still am today. Glad you're still out of harm's way, but your family will be in my thoughts.it sounds like the city of Colorado springs is really coming together and everyone is taking good care of one another. I'm just grateful all are safe!
