Monday, March 28, 2011

Green Part 2

I haven't touched this subject since November 2010, oh my things have changed. I really need to give my friends Brittany and Melissa the credit for helping to enlighten and educate me on whole living and being eco-friendly. Through their experiences that they have shared in conversation I find myself curious and then doing research on my own. I have already listed several healthier eating choices we are making, here are the Green choices we are making.

1) The biggest thing I have discovered is that at our Wal-mart they have free recycling. Next to the Good Will drop off there are several huge white trash can looking things. Each one is marked either, paper, cardboard, etc... I now separate all the paper in our house such as magazines, receipts, junk mail etc... I also separate all the cardboard, Empty 12pks, cereal boxes, empty toilet paper tubes, empty diaper boxes and so forth. I then whenever I'm going to go their and shop I stop and drop off everything that is to be recycled. The amount of waste coming out of our house has been just about cut in half. It also costs me nothing! I do believe they have one for plastic, but we rarely buy plastic so I haven't looked into it yet.

2) I recently bought several cloth bags to use for my groceries instead of plastic bags. I got the ones that were 99 cents a piece. Honestly, they hold more, they stand nicely in my trunk and don't fall over, plus I can carry more into the house in one trip because I don't have plastic bags ripping or cutting into my hands. I estimate we are saving 50 plus plastic bags a month.

3) Thirdly and probably the most cost effective one is trading in my plastic dishware. I am choosing to do this after I was enlightened about the amount of chemicals in plastic and how they can leak into our foods.I had already seem lids and cups fraying as a result of going through the dishwasher even through they are supposed to be dishwasher safe. I also was educated about how my Montessori friend uses cups for her child instead of sippy cups. So I got rib of all my plastic cups including sippy cups. Two playtex no spill sippy cups cost me about $8. A set of 16 glasses cost me $8, now we keep our drinks in the kitchen and they will last longer.

Making Soap

Ha ha ha, I feel odd writing this because my friend did the same thing and posted about it also. I guess great minds think alike! So here it goes.

During spring break one of the fun things we did was make soap. I used a kit that I had gotten at hobby lobby, we have done this before so we have several molds, colors and scents to chose from. I let the kids pick out what they wanted. With Jasey she pointed out all the colors and answered accordingly when asked, "what color is this?". With C.J. who recognizes all his numbers, he pushed the buttons on the microwave and pointed out his sight words that he found in the directions.

Holding the items they chose, C.J. blue coloring, Jasey rose and thyme scent.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Will.

I have put this off way to long, I have always though it can't happen to me. Up until very recently i have learned I am not the exception to bad things happening I am just young, not everything is going to happen right away.
I also have always been devoted to being a good parent. Putting the two and two together I'm more convinced then anything that my husband and I need a will. If something were to happen to us who would take care of our kids? Would the person raising them, take care of them the way I would? it is a horrible thing to think of, however having a will I am able to have more control of what happens to my kids if both my husband and I were to die.

Here are some key points I have learned.

1) A handwritten will with both your signatures is better than nothing. A lawyer will able to help you write it so nothing is disputed.

2) Find out the laws in your state regarding social security and your life insurance, some states you have to assign someone OVER 18 to help disperse funds. It doesn't just go to the person who is taking care of your kids.

3) Think about your wishes for your child about education, beliefs and so forth then talk with your spouse about who you know would be the best fit for your kids.

4) Last but not least make sure to ask that person before you leave your kids to them in a will.

More then anything try to find the legal documents online or go to prepaid legal, or find a lawyer who can help you sort everything out. Taking care of our kids doesn't end when we die.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why my healthy changes are important...

Yes, this is a blog about my darling little angles. Yes, my recent posts have been about healthy changes my family is making. The are connected I assure you.

Children are like sponges they soak everything up around them good and bad. For many many years psychologists and child development athorities have agreed and concluded how seriously influencing a child's environment is to their development. Children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced, girls of mothers with bad body images tend to have the same issues, and so forth. No matter what we want to think we are very much alike to those who raised us. Please don't freak out, I didn't say we are destined to be like them, we have free will and can make different choices. Children tend to mimic their parents style when it comes to food. Those who had parents who cooked tended to do the same. Children who had a taste per say for healthier things, tended to make healthier eating habits when they were older. There is a ton of information out there about this, I encourage each of you to research it for yourselves.

In my house, I want my kids to grow up eating and liking healthy choices. I want them to prefer fruits and vegetables over microwave dinners. I'm not saying never let your kid have a treat, but educate them about what you are eating. My four year old knows exactly what I mean when I tell him he can only have something healthy vs a treat.

Besides helping them grow up to make healthier decisions, I am helping them grow up into the healthiest people they can be. I truly believe there is more to feeding you child then just putting food in front of them, but that the quality of that food matters greatly.

My NEW water bottle

My love for what I just discovered, my stainless steel water bottle, it two fold.

1) My kids drink water through out the day, the benefits are immense for the body. We always use glasses her at the house. However, my son will be in school next year come august and has to bring a water bottle every day.

2) Thanks to my eco-friendly super awesome friends I now have a fear of plastic!! I am currently ridding my house of plastic. For those of you who don't know it carries many toxins and DOES leak them into your food and or drink.

So here I was needing a sturdy water bottle for my son, preferably one you didn't need to unscrew. Reusable, not plastic. So I found this water bottle I bought one for my self to try and I love it. You can drink from it without your fingers having to touch the mouth piece, super sturdy, not plastic and not overly huge either. After all my son will have to carry it in his back pack. So now I will go and buy several. My kids will have a cute eco-friendly drink and learn about recycling and reusing things, along with environmental awareness.

Whole grain

Now that I have been educated to the awesomeness of whole grains. I only buy whole grain bread and pasta. If you pay attention to the sales 90% of the time they include the whole grain varieties of the brand as well. The whole grain has more fiber, interestingly enough I keep finding that the less healthier option has odd things added to the product to make it seem like a healthy choice. Such as thiamine, niacin,and riboflavin.

Thiamine- is a vitamin prescribed to those who have a deficiency, that you get from not eating enough whole grain.
Niacin- is found in meats, dairies, vegetables, nuts. You don't need a lot, daily.
Riboflavin- interestingly enough is water soluble and NOT stored in the body, it needs to be replenished every day. It also can be found in dairy,veggies and nuts.

I'd rather my family eat several veggies a day to receive what they need of the above and the many many other benefits the veggies have to offer.

Banana bread

my kids love bananas, but we always ended up with a few overly ripe ones. So I began making banana bread. My kids love it and it freezes REALLY well. I don't have to waste my overly ripe banana's and we have a tasty healthy treat. I bake a lot actually and one of the biggest things I have noticed in difference to store bought items besides taste :) is the amount of salt used. In banana bread I use a pinch, in chocolate chip cookies I use 1/4 tsp. Many times one batch of B-bread makes two loafs and one batch of Choc chip cookies makes several dozen. I like to think this is healthier for my kids.

Other Healthy food choices we make have to do with cooking. I DO NOT use shortening. I DO NOT fry. I DO not buy pork (that's a personal one). I try to buy organic when ever possible.

Olive oil and green tea

We have started cooking our meat and whatever veggies in Extra virgin olive oil instead of vegetable oil. I all ready bought pure vegetable oil, so the nutritional value didn't really change, However, we did notice a big difference in taste. Especially in stir-fry's

I LOVE coffee. I have said many a times I am an emotional coffee drinker. I drink it when I'm sad, happy, tired, to celebrate, to curl up with a good book. I have a really hard time with moderation, that's why every time I'm pregnant I quit completely. Then I have a newborn and something about sleepless nights, make coffee sound like a gift from God.
I do realize how unhealthy this is and have started drinking green tea. We have even begun making ice tea out of green tea. Plus side is that my kids love drinking warm green tea with a little sugar on cold days. It has no caffeine and major antioxidant properties. I don't know how good it is for growing children so we do it in moderation.

Hazelnut Spread

I love this stuff!!!

Not only is it healthier then typical peanut butter.It has 30 less calories than PB and 60 less calories from fat then PB. It has a little higher fat, but NO Polyunsaturated or Monounsaturated Fat, unlike PB. It has 10 mg of sodium compared to the 150 mg of sodium found in PB. While PB has more protein and Vitamin E,Riboflavin and niacin, The Hazelnut Spread has Calcium, Iron and a lower level of protein. Once again I can read and pronounce all the ingredients in the hazelnut spread.

My kids think it taste like chocolate frosting. We eat it on whole grain toast or crackers. A real treat is animal crackers dipped into the spread. Which by the way is a million times healthier than actual frosting.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So one of the healthier choices I have made this year is to use only REAL butter and not margarine. Besides me being able to pronounce every ingredient in the butter vs. the margarine. Here are a few health facts, that helped me make my decision.

1)Margarine is high in trans fatty acids

2)Margarine increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol).

3)Margarine lowers quality of breast milk.

4)Margarine decreases immune response.

5)Decreases insulin response.

No, it wasn't made to fatten turkey's and no it is not one molecule away from plastic. Many have said Butter help your body absorb other nutrients, I could not find this. However, the above reasons seem pretty good to me. What do you know Wal-mart carries a wal-mart brand of "REAL BUTTER"!!!

For us, we can tell a HUGE difference baking with it and eating it spread on things.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Due to all of my recent knowledge about food. My family has chosen to buy 1/4 of a cow. One that we know for sure is hormone free, grain feed and healthy. It even turned out slightly cheaper this way.

There is 108 lbs.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Tooth part 2

So... that wiggly sucker is no more.

On February 23rd, Cj says "mom look". I turn around and there before me stands my four year old in all his glory, proudly holding is little hand out to me. I look and then look closer, laying on his palm is a tiny white tooth. I look up at my son his eyes gleaming and a toothless smile beaming at me.

That night we put the tooth in a small cup and the tooth fairy left him $2.00.

C.J. feels rich, declaring he shall go to Wal-mart and buy a huge toy.

So in my own way of keeping all life experiences educational, I used this experience to reiterate the importance of dental hygiene, we read a book " The Night before the Tooth Fairy" by: Natasha Wing and "Just going to the Dentist" by: Mercer Myer. We also used this receiving money as a way to go over the money concept, using addition, subtraction and easy division. Such as you have a two dollars, if I take one away then what do you have? One dollar four ways is 25 cents and so forth.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

C.J.'s first Feild Trip

In January C.J. had his first class field trip, to the Dinosaur Museum. I left Jasey with Grandpa and went with him and his class. It was really neat to see everything the museum had to teach the kids. I was impressed with all their was to touch. The whole class was very well behaved and attentive. For me it was awesome watching C.J. interact with his peers, I take personal pride in seeing how well-behaved he was. I also was glad I got to know some of his class mates better. After the trip was over I walked back to the school with his class. For the rest of the day all he could talk about was seeing the dinosaurs.

Jasey's 2nd Birthday

Sorry for the delay. I finally have a new cord so i can upload photos.

On 1/20/11 my sweet baby turned two. Hard to believe she's getting so old. We let her pic her theme and she chose princesses.

She had a great time. Even dressed up as Cinderella.

Every year her daddy buys her red tulips. Every little girl should be so cherished by their daddy.


I made a post on facebook about something my 4 year old son said, this is what I posted.

"In my attempt to explain the greatness of Heaven to my 4 yr old I said, "It's like the greatest thing you can think of." He thinks for a moment and replies, "Oh, it's like McDonald's."

I was taken aback by the responses, both on my Wall and my Inbox. Yes, I am a believer. Yes, I believe in Heaven. I have never hidden this fact, but I am amazed at how many people feel the need to correct my beliefs or shoot me down for them. In a world where I feel we are being forced to accept anyone and everyone for anything and everything they do. Where we are being told to be open minded, non-judgmental, give it a chance, and so forth, I can't believe how so many of what I considered 'friends' can't do the same for me.

I would never hate my child for not doing what I feel is right. I may not like their discussions or agree with what they chose to do as they get older, but I will always LOVE my kids. But, like almost every other parent in the world, I feel the need to install moral and ethical values in my children about how they conduct themselves, and treat others.

I do not apologize for my beliefs. This is part of who I am.

My questions for other parents (not for debating) but out of curiosity. How is religion addressed in your home? What values do you wish to install in your children and how do you go about doing so?