Monday, April 30, 2012

Schooling Part 3: Knowing what to teach

 One of the main concerns people have voiced to me about home schooling is how will I know what to teach? First, there are state objectives for each grade level that can be found at the Colorado Department of Education. Second, when buying textbooks many if not all come with teacher's guides that contain, discussion points, activity's, worksheets, additional related resources, songs, etc... Some curriculum even includes step by step conversations to guide you for example: The Calender from Saxon Math 2

"Yesterday was the ______of (month)."
- Point to the date.
" What do you think today's date is?
"How will we write the _____th?"
- Write the date on the calender.
" What day of the week is it today?"
"Let's read the days of the week together."

  Thirdly, many young children love to learn. Many teaching cues can be taken from the child them self, for example, If your child comes to you and asks, "What comes after Tuesday?" You can then sit down and present a calender, pointing to the days while singing the days of the week song. Then continuing onto months, while again singing the months song. The child can then practice the above introduced concepts, by locating special holidays,their own birthday, family birthdays.

  I already am a firm believer of child inspired learning. By elaborating on subjects of interest they themselves present. When my son was suddenly interested in the army, we went to the library used computer skills to search for army books, learned how to find the books, exercised proper etiquette while waiting in line and checking out, we read about the army, googled the history of certain weapons that captivated him (AK-47), this turned into a discussion of war and why people fight (sociology/psychology) we referenced world war 2 and got out maps to locate Germany, Austria,Poland and Russia (geography). We discussed Hitler and even read a couple facts about WW2 (after all he's 5, this covered History).
  When my son and daughter want an item in the store (mom makes sure it's under $5 before saying yes) I talk with them about the numbers on the price tag and what amount that means. We then agree we can earn this item. At home when our sticker sheet is full, that child is then given that amount rounded up to the nearest dollar in a mixture of dollars and cents. I then help them identify the coins and the amounts they stand for (counting), we go to the store and see if we have enough money (greater than/less than). Often when doing this I can incorporate adding, subtracting, fractions into this.

  For us, I consulted the state grade objectives and goals, I read many educational and child development articles. I talked to other parents about what their kids were learning. I also talked to teachers and asked about their daily schedule, so then I could see just how much time was spent on each subject.. I then constructed a list of what I want my son to accomplish by the end of the 1st grade. I then developed this further into different subjects and using my goals searched for curriculum directly in line with my desires.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Schooling Part 2

Upon deciding to home school, we went about researching Colorado Law regarding the issue. The law in not so many words states that every child that home schools is required to register as a home school student with their local school district and receive standardized tests at grades 3,5,7,9 and 11. Students are also required to have 172 days of school 4 hours each day. We are simply following our local school districts calender. I personally think these requirements are great, they prevent kids from falling through the gaps. As long as your child scores higher than the lowest 13% the state says you can continue to home school, considering state CTAP scores show roughly 40% of kids are not even at grade level, as long as your kid performs at grade level your fine.

We have decided to focus primarily on Math, Reading/Writing and English for his 1st grade year. We will also study Science, History and Piano, but not daily, most likely every other day.  I spent a ton of time on Amazon and CBD researching curriculum looking for what would suit our needs and teach my son best using his hands on learning style. There are home school curriculum fairs you can go to and see things hands on, however I myself was home schooled so I am very familiar with certain brands, because I or my friends used them.

Home schooling is the best choice for our family because of our personal beliefs and parenting styles. The reasons why this is the best choice for our family are as follows: (1) Cost, private schools usually run about $500 a month per student not including registration fees, class fees etc... (2) Higher standers, we hold higher standards for our children regarding their performance. We strive to teach our children to be the best they can be at whatever they are doing. (3) Family, we are not morning people and trying to get out the door by 7 am has cut into family time greatly. My husband works a great deal of overtime and in trying to get my kids to bed early enough they were never seeing their dad or for only brief periods.(4) Personal beliefs, we are choosing to not teach certain things to our kids that we personally feel are not morally right and are choosing to include things that we feel are important. (I will elaborate later on this point) (5) Finally, we are able to be flexible to our children's needs and adjust the curriculum according to their interests and or learning styles.

The Cons:
  I personally feel their are very few cons, but society and many people I know keep addressing what they consider concerns so I will identify these concerns here and then elaborate in further posts.

(1) How will you know what to teach him?
(2) What if he doesn't want to learn?
        And the biggest concern
(3) Socializing- How will he make friends, solve problems, react to other adults etc...

If there are concerns or questions you would like to see addressed please comment and I will include them in the next post.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meet up Group

I have just joined the most awesome mommy's group. We are called Woodland Park Mamas and Papas, you can find us at I recommend joining to any mamas and papas who want to meet others with small kids.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


(Sorry, many of my typing is done while nursing, forgive any over seen errors.)
The school debate, I have struggled with what would be best for my children. You can read my concerns in schooling, here, here and here,

We decided to do kindergarten at the local public school. It is a 5 day a week all day program. 9 months into it and I'm not impressed. My concerns are as follows;

1) Moral, lack of control over what my child is exposed to. For example other children yelling cuss words, conversations about drugs,drinking and parents moving out. These are 5 year olds, repeating and illustrating their lives. Sadly, I am trying to explain things to my child that I feel are not age appropriate.
    Secondly, I feel the "problem children" receive more attention. My son who knows how to respect others and follow the rules is left often to his own devices.

2) The work is not challenging for my son, but because he does not score in the highest 10 percent he is not given harder work, or taken out of class for more challenging assignments.

3) He is allowed to screw around and do mediocre work. Not because, the teacher is bad, she just has one her and 20 kids who need her.

4) I feel he is also asked to perform tasks that are not developmentally appropriate such as taking 45 minute to a 1 hour long state standardized tests. During which there is no talking and the teacher can only read the directions once.

5) They have a mandatory rest time, my son hasn't napped since he was like 15 months old. When talking to the teacher, she said it's a must for her to have time to get things done.

6) I have repeatedly asked for harder work, the 1st grade objectives, what we can focus on at home and never get an answer besides, " He's doing really well."

7) They have eliminated after lunch recess, now the kids have a very set time to eat, 20 minutes. Also no microwaves, many times C.J. has eaten none of his lunch and been so hungry when I pick him up he's crying.

8) We have had several BAD experiences with substitutes. All of which I addressed with the teacher and the principle. One time included a sub yelling at him and then throwing his backpack across the room. I was PISSED! I do not allow behavior like that around my children.

  So after 9 months in school, I am not happy with the system. I have had many email exchanges with the teacher. Probably 15-20 after school meetings including conferences. Talks with the principle, the cottage school teacher and I can't seem to get anywhere. I feel like I'm being told, because he is doing well, there is no need to foster his interest in learning. He has completed what was needed for kindergarten so no need to go on.

  What do I want for my son? To succeed in live, be happy and healthy. To learn, enjoy learning and want to learn more. Child led learning works, but only if you don't stop the child. I want him to have time to studied things that interest him for as long as he wants, to have more hands on time, more time to run around and burn energy. A curriculm that interest him and challenges him.

After much prayer,thought and discussion,

Next year we are homeschooling!
I will address many of the normal concerns in another post.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sugar Part 2

Okay, now that I am healthy again or not sick. I am beginning my sugar fast...again. In taking pride and ownership over my physical health, I improve my children's as well. I am focusing in on three main areas, diet, exercise and mental.

 Diet- my primary focus at this point is eliminating sugars. No juice,sweets,candy,sugar in tea, or any thing that classifies as junk food. I am also eliminating my coffee for the time being. In turn I will drink green tea or other herbal teas, water, and milk. I plan on tracking my food intake in a journal, by doing so I am able to evaluate my daily intake of fruits,veggies, proteins and grains. Using I am able to identify servings and what I easily.  

Exercise- Basically, the more I work out the more driven I am to eat healthier. Plus, I will be healthier heart wise. So many benefits.

 Mental- I plan on writing in my journal daily or having personal quiet time. Eating healthier and working out in turn improve my mental status. By first taking care of myself, I can then take better care of my kids. I model better lifestyle habits, am a happier person, and emanate what a good body image is.

 By eating healthier and eliminating junk, my grocery bill improves. For many people eating unhealthy leads to more intense cravings as the body is trying to tell you it's missing key nutrients, or we experience a sugar crash. Both most often lead to a continued and or increased consumption of high sugar, high carb foods. That while they may fill us they are not providing the daily nutrients we need.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My week

The spitting of pink medicine all over mom will inevitably stain everything.

If your 5 year old can rephrase something you make you look bad, he will. "My mom drinks happy juice, but I know it's really (whispers) alcohol." The truth is I drink wine occasionally.

My 3 month old learned to coo one day and do happy screams the next.

If there is a hole in the fence my dogs will find it. Naming my dog after a vegetable sounds horribly stupid being screamed through out the neighborhood.

The book I waited a year to be released is sold out of every store in town.

My daughter has a bright yellow belly button, the same color is on her fingers and her paper. She has know idea how it happened.

My husband made a stuffed elk to practice bow shooting. It's in my front yard...
It looks more like Nessie... did I mention in my front yard?

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. For the past week we have ALL been sick. Starting with C.J. who had an ear infection, followed by mom with a sinus and ear infection, then little sis with an ear infection.

My house has been one big whiney, snotty, cranky place. My son stayed home from school for a week. So now we are finally edging back into our routine.

My 3 year old has taken to telling stories, we are really working on whats true and whats not. If I tell her to wait a moment for me to finish nursing to get her a snack, she exclaims, "You NEVER feed me." Which is not true. She has also begun expressing desire for me "Don't feed Alex." or to "Put Alex down." I think her being sick has made it really hard to share mama. She has also begun to write several letters, capital "T" being her favorite. She enjoys doing this on her dry erase side of her easel. She is also copying me to no end, daily our baby stuff goes missing, because her baby's spit up, need new clothes, need diaper change etc... I try hard to be patient. I am very impressed with her drawings of people that include a head,arms,legs,eyes,nose,mouth,ears and then eyebrows, big giant bushy eyebrows, she has begun adding hair as well.
Alex, is changing so fast. He likes to tighten his stomach muscles and pull himself into a sitting position while in my lap. he is smiling and giggling. he has begun to recognize daddy. he gets excited and squeals whenever daddy arrives home. He loves to try and grab things. he has found his thumb and sucks on it, using the other arm to old it in his mouth. I think teething is right around the corner, he is drool city. My chunker is 3 1/2 months old and almost 14 1/2 pounds.
C.J. is glad to not be sick anymore, but ready for school to be done for the summer. He has such a personality. The other day he came into the living room all dressed up in a hoodie and baseball cap, singing "I'm sexy and I know it" from the M&M commercial. He also has this too cool head bob thing going on. The things kids do and say.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Here is a little history; I am a stay at home mom, my kids have never been in childcare. This year is my eldest 1st year of school. He has been sick for a week, he has been kept home for the past week, running a fever everyday up to 104 one day. He has had a cough, runny nose, dr said double ear infections and put him on antibiotics. Now, mom is sick, bummer.

This is the response I KEEP getting, "Well, it's because he hasn't really been around other children, don't worry he'll build his immune system up." This irritates me to no end. I feel this is implying my children are never socialized or exposed to anything or anyone, that they are lacking physically because of it. NOT TRUE, my kids have always been around other kids, other people regularly. We have and do play at many restaurant play areas, parks, the gym, play dates, library, store etc... They have had colds, and been around plenty of sick kids.

HOWEVER, having my kids with me allowed me to yes, keep them from children who were puking, diarrhea, bronchitis, pink eye, 5ths disease. I also enforced hand washing and proper Kleenex use. When my kids got sick, I monitored the situation and let them be sick. Lots of liquids, cuddles, pop cycles, and cuddles.

NOW, I'm being told protecting my kids from being sick is crippling them? That sometimes you just have to send kids to school sick. If I keep him home sick, the school wants to know what the dr says, as if letting the cold run it's course isn't good enough. That if I keep him home it better be bad?

I feel people are justifying their own choices, by knocking mine. Don't they understand, this is one of the many reasons I stay home? So, I don't have to force a young 5 year old child who has been up all night, with a fever, crying because he doesn't feel good, into a classroom.

48 hrs

It's been about 2 days with out sweets/candy. I am still having a little sugar, that night I got my kids cold, so I am drinking juice. Trying very hard to resist my cravings.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sophmore year 2000-2001

Tonight I was randomly reading my yearbook (don't ask) I only attended public high school for one year, so I only have one yearbook. Thinking back to my high school experiences,friends and education.

I can say one thing for sure, thank God I am not still the person I was when I was 15.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


It is time for me to confess, I am a junk food addict. I can't help it, I love chocolate, candy, anything really. I have a serious problem with moderation, it is by the grace of God alone that I have stayed thin. I seriously can and have on many occasions, eaten an entire bag of candy by myself.
Most of the time I try really hard to eat healthy, but since the baby has been born, I haven't been doing so well. My sleep deprived self just craves the sugar. I have always known I am an all or nothing kind of person soo...

Starting this moment, I am swearing off candy,chocolate and sweets. I am posting this so that there is a level of accountability. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Yay!!!!!! My dad found me an amazing composter on Craig's List. I can't wait to begin. I love the idea of my home producing less waste, with the plus of amazing fertilizer for my garden.

Friday, April 6, 2012


I seriously need to get some pictures up. However, I didn't take to many, I was needing both of my hands.

I love Easter. Such a learning experience. We read the directions. follow through with the directions using counting and measuring. Go over colors as we add the dye tablets. Cover cause and effect while talking about how boiling the egg changes the inside. My kids get to experiment learning that red,blue,purple and yellow make brown. My eldest who has had more experience with this, dunked blue and yellow to make green. To which little sis declared it to be magic. When all are dyed we use subtraction, counting how many we have left after we discard the cracked ones. Then place the dye in the sink add baking soda and voila finishing with flare.

Don't ever pass up teachable moments.

Here are a few other favorite teachable moments:

2)Addition/subtraction=making a grocery list and shopping
3) Reading=everywhere ( I read to them and now my eldest can read the signs/labels to me)
4) Science=weather,insects,animals, and crafts
5) History= Library, public museums. (I like to add did you know statements to my kids for example, "Did you know a train used to go through town and that building used to be the train station?" Always sparks a conversation.

Take advantage of all the free community activities. Here we have free story time, a free play group, touch a truck day, 4th in the park, Critter fest (Animal rescue fair,but my kids love seeing the animals), churches often offer free egg hunts, craft fairs, VBS, Fall Festivals.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Green Parenting Part 1

Parenting is like an amazing workout that is never done. While all the practice never makes perfect, it does make progress. As each of my children grow and mature, so do I as a person and parent.

1) We have chosen to rid our selves of plastic children's cups. One huge health factor was the BPA in the plastic. Two they just added to waste, my kids teethed early and would chew through the plastic mouth pieces. I do currently have three BPA free, Orthodontic approved, bottles which have been used only 3x so far.

2) We are using "Simply Hatched" an all natural baby body wash. Alex has VERY sensitive skin. So we are not polluting our water as much. I found it at Wal-Mart for about $4 a bottle.

3) Eating fresh is a big one. We use less energy because we are not using the microwave all the time and creating less waste as most non fresh items have a lot of packaging.

4) I am reusing 60% of C.J.'s baby clothes, and Jasey's older girl cousin gives us a TON of hand me downs. Saves money and reduces our carbon footprint :)

5) Tuning out, we are turning off the TV all day. I'll admit during my pregnancy and the 1st month of Alex's life, Jasey and C.J. watched more TV then I'm proud to admit.
Turning is off, reduces electricity consumption, reduces electricity bill and healthier for kids.

6) We are turning down our heat at night. Which actually has been shown to help kids sleep better.

7) Breastfeeding, saves on energy to heat water, waste from buying formula, plus has numerous health benefits.

There are a couple more, but they need their own post to get into detail. I will try to add pictures soon.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Guacamole- This is a major yummy. I just mash 5+ fresh avocados, with the Guac mix. Most of the time I had fresh tomatoes and onion, lemon juice to prevent browning.Avocados are packed with key nutrients and heart healthy fat. We eat it with corn chips, whole wheat pita bread, on tacos, and sandwich melts. Quick and easy, I also love adding avocado slices onto of bagels and sandwiches. My kids even love it, when on sale I can make a large bowl full for about 8-10 dollars.
