Thursday, April 26, 2012


(Sorry, many of my typing is done while nursing, forgive any over seen errors.)
The school debate, I have struggled with what would be best for my children. You can read my concerns in schooling, here, here and here,

We decided to do kindergarten at the local public school. It is a 5 day a week all day program. 9 months into it and I'm not impressed. My concerns are as follows;

1) Moral, lack of control over what my child is exposed to. For example other children yelling cuss words, conversations about drugs,drinking and parents moving out. These are 5 year olds, repeating and illustrating their lives. Sadly, I am trying to explain things to my child that I feel are not age appropriate.
    Secondly, I feel the "problem children" receive more attention. My son who knows how to respect others and follow the rules is left often to his own devices.

2) The work is not challenging for my son, but because he does not score in the highest 10 percent he is not given harder work, or taken out of class for more challenging assignments.

3) He is allowed to screw around and do mediocre work. Not because, the teacher is bad, she just has one her and 20 kids who need her.

4) I feel he is also asked to perform tasks that are not developmentally appropriate such as taking 45 minute to a 1 hour long state standardized tests. During which there is no talking and the teacher can only read the directions once.

5) They have a mandatory rest time, my son hasn't napped since he was like 15 months old. When talking to the teacher, she said it's a must for her to have time to get things done.

6) I have repeatedly asked for harder work, the 1st grade objectives, what we can focus on at home and never get an answer besides, " He's doing really well."

7) They have eliminated after lunch recess, now the kids have a very set time to eat, 20 minutes. Also no microwaves, many times C.J. has eaten none of his lunch and been so hungry when I pick him up he's crying.

8) We have had several BAD experiences with substitutes. All of which I addressed with the teacher and the principle. One time included a sub yelling at him and then throwing his backpack across the room. I was PISSED! I do not allow behavior like that around my children.

  So after 9 months in school, I am not happy with the system. I have had many email exchanges with the teacher. Probably 15-20 after school meetings including conferences. Talks with the principle, the cottage school teacher and I can't seem to get anywhere. I feel like I'm being told, because he is doing well, there is no need to foster his interest in learning. He has completed what was needed for kindergarten so no need to go on.

  What do I want for my son? To succeed in live, be happy and healthy. To learn, enjoy learning and want to learn more. Child led learning works, but only if you don't stop the child. I want him to have time to studied things that interest him for as long as he wants, to have more hands on time, more time to run around and burn energy. A curriculm that interest him and challenges him.

After much prayer,thought and discussion,

Next year we are homeschooling!
I will address many of the normal concerns in another post.


  1. Wow! A big decision, but it sounds like the right one for your family. You will be an awesome homeschooling mama, and I'm sure I'll be inspired by any tidbits you share along the way. Looking forward to hearing more...

  2. I might be following in your footsteps soon, I am really nervous about sending her to kindergarden in the first place, let alone the problems you have listed. Thanks for your honesty!
